CARS - AvroraCS

CARS - AvroraCS


Monday, August 22, 2011

2012 Crazy Challenge

Is anybody out there ready to start the 2012 challenge!!!  I sure am.  I tired of working on the pieces I have started and so want to start some new ones.

My math brain kicked in the other day - I figured if I could complete one project a day - I have enough charts and kits to last me for about 15 years.  Pretty sad huh!  And I just keep buying.  Just did an order with 123 Stitch for the new Lizzie Kate, LHN, CCN, BC and a BBD.  Somebody shoot this damn computer!!!!

Okay, on with my 2012 challenge for everybody.  UFO's will become AH (ancient history) to be worked on at some point in time.  Up for a Challenge WIP pieces will be moved to the UFO list.  2011 Crazy Challenge pieces will be moved to Up for a Challenge.  AND, than we have the 2012 Crazy Challenge to start one new project a day for the first 15 days in January.

I'll tell you one thing for sure - I am going to be doing mostly small to easy pieces.

I leave with a couple pictures of my furbabies.
son Sparky - mom Dottie  (just a tad bit of charts on middle shelf and kits on bottom)

This was taken in June when I went to go to bed one night.
Bottom left - Dottie   right - Sparky
Top left - Midnite   Middle - Mocha  Right - Moon Dragon
(click to enlarge)

Thanks for looking and let me know whos up for the 2012 challenge.   Linda


Karen said...

I know I will be joining you! I love the Crazy Challenge and only have 3 more to go... can't wait to pick our the next 15 new ones!

happy stitching....

Tricia said...

Bwahahahaha!!! I'm actually thinking that I'm going back to my old system of working on 2 or 3 at a time. I want to start new ones right now, terribly! But I have this crazy guilt complex that I still have 6 or 7 to finish from the ones I started in January and I really need to finish them first. I love the new LK Snowman charts, though, so maybe if I can finish another of my Crazies I'll treat myself and buy them. : )

Lesleyanne said...

I have been on a bit of a splurge on stash so you can shoot my computer too. Look forward to seeing your challenge pieces.

SoCal Debbie said...

I agree with Tricia! I tried the Crazy January Challenge for the first time this year, but I feel guilty for not finishing them all and starting new ones instead. I like to do 2 or 3 at a time at the most. Maybe I will try in 2013, when all my 15 from this year are done, and all my UFO's from the past 10 years are done too!

I love the pics of your stash... I am drooling! Your cats are beautiful! What breeds are they?

Niina said...

Hi Linda!

I will be doing also 15 projects start at January, have allready spoken with Minna who got me in for her this years challenge :)

Charlene ♥ NC said...

What? You girls are more ambitious than I am! I don't have a math brain, but that seems like WAY too many for me to finish in a couple of years! I'll be watching all this fun and jealous of all your finishes.

I thought I was looking at a mirror in that first picture! The second looks like a 'big' litter of kitties. Very cozy, indeed!

blueladie said...

Linda, you are a better woman than I am! :D Don't think I am up for the 'challenge', but had to comment on your furbaby pics. Just love seeing them. Cathryn

Karen said...

Dottie and Sparky look like beautiful little bookends on the shelf. The pile of sweet kitties on the bed is adorable! Is it hard for Midnite and Moon Dragon to stay as warm as the other kitties? It's nice that they all cuddle together!

Lynn said...

LOVE the collection of kitties on the bed!!!! SO cute!!! I'll be WATCHING you start 15 projects in 15 days. WAY too many to add to what I've already got going on.....

Siobhán said...

I am afraid to sit down and figure out just how many projects from the Crazy Challenge I have NOT finished. I might do that challenge where you finish projects instead of starting more. But, who knows, ask me in December. LOL

Your cats are adorable!

Debby said...

Since I will probably only finish 7, possibly 8, of this years new starts, I can't have any new starts next year (except gifts and classes). The ones that I don't get to this year will be next years UFO challenge to myself. But I love the ambition (craziness?????) you gals have and will gladly watch how you do.

Love the kitties - they are just adorable!