WARNING! Very long winded post.
Hi Blogger Friends. Yipppeee!! I finished my second piece for the year so I get to start a new one. Only one problem, there are a whole lot more that I want to start than just one. My fingers and brain are being very bad, BUT, I haven't started anything yet. I do need to start an ornament for the monthly SAL and a traveling pattern that I won. That leads into lucky, lucky me.
I really should buy a lotto ticket. This year, I have won: 4 giveaways, a traveling pattern (I will be offering the pattern when I am done), a wonderful blogger friend had finished stitching a piece I really liked. I asked if I could buy the chart and she just gave it to me. Another great blogger friend from the UK ordered a UK cross stitch magazine I was looking for and its on its way.
I won this adorable chart from Angie at Lovie Dew Stitchery. And look at the great card she sent. Go check out her blog.
I won these 2 cards and a chart in a giveaway by Sharine at Charbella Stitching. Go check out her HAED Faery Tales.
Sadie at Stitching up a Storm gave me this chart. Go check out her stitched piece.
Dani at Black Belt Stitching Wizard has been working on this one. And of course I found it on ebay and had to have it.
The traveling pattern that I won. It started with Parsley at Seasons of my Mind. Click on the link to see what happened. Next up it went to Astrid at Dragon Stitches and Stuff by Astrid. Click the link to see what happened at Astrid's. I WILL break the curse. (I will be having a giveaway when I'm done)
Now for my ta-da FINISH #2 and its only February.
Santa's 12 Days of Christmas - Prairie Schooler
14ct Summer Khaki
Started 6-10-12
Finished 2-10-13
I also worked on a couple SAL's.
Halloween House - Ursula Michael - did 3 rows in the roof and finished the gray under the witch.
September - Prairie Schooler - finished the squirrel.
I am in SAL's Friday thru Monday. I have decided I want to do my own rotation stitching Tuesday thru Thursday. I have 3 pieces I will rotate - one a week.
1. Boo Club by Lizzie Kate (actually a SAL to finish one word a month - OOPS the other 3 gals have three done and I have NONE)
2. Gee, but I can't seem to decide.
3. Stitches, Stars and Stripes by Blue Ribbon Designs. No progress pic as I have only been making blue boxes. I sometimes love mindless stitching. When I have a few minutes I can just pick it up and make squares without having to worry about getting out the chart, floss, etc.

This one is waiting in the wings.

One last thing. I learned something interesting on Animal Planet last night. My Sassy is a Calico. A true calico is the coloring of Sassy - black, brown, orangey, gray, white. Another thing, 99% of calico's are female.
A Tabby cat, which calico's are often called, have one distinctive marking. They can be striped, spotted or multi colored, but lighter. But, they all have an M on their forehead. If not, they are not a tabby.
Photos from web:
http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?_adv_prop=image&fr=yfp-t-762-1-s&sz=all&va=tabby+cats (More photos)
Thanks for looking. Linda
Great stitching, and congrats on all your lovely wins. Love Sue Coleman...she has the neatest designs!
We used to have a calico...sweet kitty that lived to be around 15 years old!
Pretty stitching you've done so far. Congrats on all your wins! You should definitely buy a lotto ticket. I love the doggie poop pattern :-)
Calicos are great cats; we had one for 9 years (she was 10 when we got her). You're lucky to her her :-)
I love your PS finish and you are one lucky lady
You better buy a lotto ticket
We have a calico and she also I believe is a rag doll too
What a great blog post, Linda! All your new charts are great, especially the Traveling Chart! LOL. Congratulations on your second finish! What will you start next? You made great progress on Halloween House and PS September. Your Tues-Thurs stitching rotation sounds like a good idea. You will get so much done each week. I wonder what your second one will be.
My first cat was a calico, and I have one now. She is 11 years old. They are my favorite kind of cats.
Happy the charts made it over. The wolf chart is adorable(and gets my vote for your next start lol). Great finish!
Congrats on your finish. you are making good progress on all your wips:) love Annette
You are so lucky to win so many things:) congrats on your 2nd finish! You have made a good progress on other projects too. Rotation seems to be a good idea. I generally get glued to one piece to complete but it doesn't happen; rather, I get bored. Rotating 2-4 will also let me show some more items in progress on the turtle trot.
Waiting for your giveaway :)
You are so lucky to have a true calico cat -
Love your Blue Ribbon Design Stitches, Stars and Stripes... Will be looking to add that one to my stash
Your stitching is lovely, congrats on the finish and you have had some great wins. Thanks for the info regarding the cats, I did not know some of it, I was aware about the majority of calico's being female :-)
Great stitching, and congrats on all your lovely wins....
sweet kitty...love for you x
Linda great stitching and some lovely prizes there, maybe the lotto ticket would be worth a try lol..just think of the new stash ! Love the finish and I like your rotation that you have going, something different. I've been trying a couple of rotations this past couple of weeks and think I've one that will work for the projects I'm on at the moment lol, more on that tomorrow on my blog.
Ooooh, so many lovely goodies!!! Love your project in your rotation :)
Wow! You have been very lucky with so many lovely wins, there are some generous people out there.
I love the travelling pattern, I went to look it up and found that Veeandco have some really great designs, thank you for introducing me to them :P
It's great to see your projects taking shape and I look forward to your next update :)
I don't know what my cats are, I just call them moggys lol.
Well done on all your good luck! The finish too!! Well done :)
You really are a lucky ducky :) Great wins! Go and get that lotto ticket!! Just imagine how many more charts and kits you could get if you won!
Lovely stitching as always and congrats on your 2nd finish!
Wow, you certainly have been lucky! And I love that kit - I'm going to be watching eBay for a good price after I get these endless HAED layaways paid off.
Sassy is a lovely calico, indeed. I had one years ago. She looked a lot like miss Sassy! I had no imagination as a child, I named my calico Cally-Co.
Wow, you have been lucky! You're going to be very busy, will you have time to buy a lotto ticket?! ;)
Lovely stitching. Great new stash. Gorgeous cat pictures.
Definitely buy a lottery ticket you are on a roll.
Love your PS finish, Linda--and congratulations on all those lucky wins :)
Interesting about the tabby/calico cat "M"--I never knew that before!
Hopefully you did buy a lotto ticket because you seem to have been one lucky gal. All your stitchy pieces are coming along nicely. I have been following them for a bit but this may be my fist time to comment. I’m trying to get back into blogging and stitching, and you are one of my inspirations, thank you for that. I love seeing your sweet little girl, Sassy. True Calicos like Sassy and the three that I’ve had are such joy and have sassy down pat. Happy Stitching!!!
Congratulations on all your lovely wins and for getting your second piece of the year complete :)
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