CARS - AvroraCS

CARS - AvroraCS


Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Hi Blogger Friends.  I FINALLY finished the stitching on page 3 of the Stable and am almost done with the backstitch on that page.  Hoooorayy!!!!

Several people have mentioned that I am almost done.  Sure wish I was.  I wanted to be done by April 1. That would make it one year.  Not stitching on it for 2 months put me behind.
If you look at the lower left side - there are 16 rows to get to the bottom and 200 rows across.  I think I still have a ways to go.  At least I am enjoying stitching on it again.

Fall Welcome - Diane Arthurs - did the black bird

Santa's 12 Days of Christmas - Day 6 - Prairie Schooler - worked on the two geese

Thanks for looking.  Linda


Tricia said...

Great progress on them all!! Good for you to keep going on them!!!

Annette-California said...

Wonderful progress on all your wips. I sure did think you were close to being done with Stable - lol.
love Annette

Sarah in Stitches said...

Great progress on your WIPs! The Stable really looks like it's almost finished - hope you get to finish it up soon! :D

Justine said...

Great progress! I love your stable. You make so much progress on so many pieces.

Brigitte said...

Wow, that Stable project looks really gorgeous. I love the little dog house with the dog looking out on the left hand side. A great piece.

Anonymous said...

your stable looks great, love the dog house ♥

cucki said...

Sweet progress on them all..
Big hugs xxx

stitchersanon said...

Amazing progress, well done!

Pull the other thread said...

Great progress on your projects. Cut thru looks wonderful!

Joyce Clark Frank said...

The stable is looking so good.
love it.

Katie said...

Wohoo you go girl. You can do it! You stitch on so many wonderful pieces it's easy to understand though. Good luck!

Margaret said...

Stable looks so wonderful! Love all your stitches!

Unknown said...

Love The Stable - how exciting you are almost done - Fingers crossed you will be able to meet your goals

Emma/Itzy said...

Stable is looking really great! :)

Tama said...

Stable looks awesome! Congrats on your other progress, too!

Babs in Alabama said...

have missed so many updates this does look like you're almost finished to me. Love your work :)

SoCal Debbie said...

Oh no! 16 more rows before you get to the bottom? It will be fun to backstitch all the goodies buried under the stable!

Fall Welcome looks great! I need to catch up to you on that one. How nice to see the geese appearing on Santa's 6th Day of Christmas!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Congrats on finishing another page on your Bothy!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Yay for a page finish for your stable. Amd good progress on the other pieces too.

Witchy Lizard said...

It can be a struggle to keep going with a project, especially when it requires so much time and patience! Well done you for keeping on and finding the joy in it again-I think you've made amazing progress and that all your pieces look beautiful :-)

sharine said...

The stable is looking great and I guess looks can be deceiving right? :)

Vicky L said...

Stable is looking great. You are doing a good job on the piece. You are making good progress on your other 2 projects.

Poppypatchwork said...

I love your stable, it is quirky and colourful.

Astri said...

The stable is amazing! I can't wait to see it when it's finished. :-)

Carol said...

Such lovely projects you have going, Linda--I really enjoy watching your progress :)

Preeti said...

Congrats on finishing the page, Linda!! The stable looks wonderful with so many details :) great job!!