CARS - AvroraCS

CARS - AvroraCS


Monday, November 10, 2014

Linda's Turtle Trot SAL Nov. Update

Hi Blogger Friends.   It's Turtle Trot time.  This is a SAL being hosted by Claudette of BAP Attack.  We pick 10 projects to work on throughout the year and see how many we can finish.  I'm quite pleased with the amount I got done on them this month.  I would love to get them all finished this year except the Disney.  It's going to take 10 years.  (Now I'm hoping to get a couple done by the end of the year.)

1.  Mitten Friends - Diane Arthurs - I finished the mitten.

2.  6 Fat Men - Lizzie Kate -  I started building a snowman and then it started melting.

3.  Disney Heroes #16 - Alina's XStitch - I filld in about a 100 holes and it took me 3 hours.

4.  Pretty Little New York - Satsuma Street - I started another building.

5.  Mermaid Myrna - Diane Arthurs - I did the water above her tail.

6.  Dog Lessons for People - Lizzie Kate - I started another row.

7.  Autumn Season - Sandra Cozzolino - I finished autumn.

8.  Spring Alphabet - Lizzie Kate - I finished 4 squares and started a few more.

9.  March Sampler - Waxing Moon Designs - I added another strand on the top banner.

Thanks for looking.   Linda


Anna van Schurman said...

"And then be started melting"...was it the frogs that caused it? Anyway, lovely stitching and great progress!

Anna van Schurman said...


Caitlin D said...

Oh dear. Poor snowman! Lol. You've gotten quite a bit done in just one month. :-)

Southpaw Stitcher said...

Great progress on all your WIPs! Congrats! 100 stitches in 3 hours is a lot faster than me when I'm working on the wolves!

Preeti said...

Wow !! All of them again:)
Had I known that melting of snowman is counted as stitching progress, then I had many flowers wilting in the process ;) Thanks for the idea!!
Are you serious that you will complete all of them in one month?

EvalinaMaria said...

You're amazing, great progress Linda!

Thoeria said...

Oh great progress Linda!

butterfly said...

Great progress Linda, I am also working on 10 UFOs .
Working on one per week ,and it's great to see them grow instead of sitting in a bag ha.

Pull the other thread said...

Reading about the snowman all I could think of was the 'Do you want to build a snowman' song from Frozen :D Great progress on all your pieces this month, well done!

Annie said...

Wow....everything looks great!
I finally started my Mitten Friends. Thanks for inspiring me:)

Mii Stitch said...

Great progress on all of them :) Well done!

Kate said...

Terrific progress, Linda! I know what you mean about the Disney chart; I just bought a couple from Etsy and am trying to figure out how many years it will take me to make them. Love all your wonderful stitching projects :-)

Katie said...

Fantastic progress! I can't wait to see what you can finish. Good luck!!

Tricia said...

That reminds me that I need to do something with my Mitten Friends finish!! Great work on all of them. I think the LK alphabet is my other favorite of what you are working on right now! :)

Heather said...

Great progress! 100 stitches in 3 hours is about what I'm at with my confetti projects. Drives me nuts lol

Sarah in Stitches said...

Great progress! :D

Miamina said...

Great progress on them all! Well done!

Anonymous said...

Hello Linda

Thanks for leaving a lovely comment on my blog today.
Your wips are all looking beautiful.
I like your blog so have become a follower.
Best wishes x

Claudette497 said...

Wow, you're really zooming! I'm cheering for you to get those finishes!

Margaret said...

Love them all, but the mittens are my favorite this go round.

Rachel said...

It's nice to see that you have been able to work on so many projects again this month. I'm beginning to take a shine to Lizzie Kate charts, especially the 6 fat snowmen (even when they do melt!) You've got such a variety on the go you must never get bored. Good luck with trying to get a couple finished soon! :)

Kaisievic said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Beautiful stitching, as always.

Pat said...

Looking Great!

Lumiruusu said...

Looks great-You really have been busy!

Karen K said...

wow, you don't have get some stitching done - these are great

k x

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

More great progress again this month.

I completed my Green Goddess, mostly by not reading any blogs so I am catching up this evening!

Brigitte said...

Such great progress on all these beautiful WIPs.

Caitlin @ Naughts Cross Stitches said...

Absolutely awesome stitching progress :D