Harry Potter Alphabet by Clouds Factory
Finish #61
14ct Blue Ridge
Started 11-1-15
Finished 5-1-16
Zazu from the Lion King by Clouds Factory (Finish #60)
14ct Natural Brown
Started 2-2-16
Finished 4-30-16
Zebra by Heart in Hand (Start #121)
I want to thank all of you for sticking with me this month. So many of you left me such wonderful comments. A great big special thank you to those that left comments everyday. They are all really appreciated very much. I know I would have fizzled out this last week if it weren't for all of your encouraging words.
Thanks for stopping by. Linda
Yay! You made it, and finished your whole Harry Potter alphabet! Congrats on a great month!
Kudos for sticking with it and finishing the alphabet! I must admit that I'm really impressed. I've enjoyed all your finishes and new starts; thanks for sharing and inspiring me.
Nice work!!!
You did it--congratulations! I loved looking at all of your awesome stitched pieces throughout the month.
Congrats it looks great! I'm tempted to get the giant Harry Potter one but at $60 it's hard to swallow. I'm sure it'll be mine eventually lol your posts didn't help ;). Are you going to do it again next year do you think?
Congrats on successfully completing the challenge !! The final Harry Potter alphabet finish looks very cute :)
Congratulations! You've had a really successful month - one big finish, 60 smaller ones, and 26 new starts!
I've really enjoyed watching your progress and cheering you on.
Wow! Congratulations to you Linda.
And yeah!!!! You did it, Linda. Great to see the whole Harry Potter alphabet now. I have never read any of the book but I know some of the characters that you have shown throughout this month. All your A-Z posts were an enjoyable read.
Beautiful stitches my dear x
Siqala ezintsha Ngini amahle
Z is for Zulu!
We did it! OK, so you did most of the work but we all commented LOL
Zazu is so sweet and the HP sampler looks fantastic too.
Linda, I have just caught up with your blog for April, and I'm so impressed by your wonderful stitching, that you managed to complete the challenge and how organised your posts were...all the photos and details...wow! Congratulations to you for getting to the end of it, I am in awe!
Congratulations on your finish, and on surviving through the A-Z! Zazu looks adorable :)
Congrats for finishing this with a lot of cuties! You did great:) Waiting for your next ones:)
You made it! Woohoo and congrats!
Congratulations Linda on completing the challenge!
I really enjoyed seeing all your HP little designs every day ;)
Congratulations!!! Awesome -
Great job! You are a survivor!
Congratulations on all your finishes this month and on finishing the challenge. I've enjoyed each day's post.
Woohoo!! You did it again! Congrats on completing a very ambitious A-Z. I have a soft spot for Zazu because of Rowan Atkinson :)
YAY!! YOU DID IT, LINDA!! A big round of applause is in order--that couldn't have been an easy task to stitch, photograph, and post all 26 letters like you did. Well done :)
A massive congratulations Linda on all your wonderful achievements during April. Not only did I enjoy seeing your HP alphabet and your new starts but all those finishes too! Now you can relax a litle bit and enjoy all of your new starts for the rest of the year! :)
Congratulations, dear Linda on finishing your A to Z challenge. Look at those beautiful Z designs.
Congratulations! Just out of curiosity what are you planning on doing with all of the disney pieces?
Congratulations on finishing the challenge! You've worked on some lovely projects :D
Congrats!!!! Love your finished design!!!!!
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