Hi Blogger Friends. I'm still keeping up with my January starts. Some days I manage to get more done than others. Here are the next three starts.
Day 14 - Wolf - Janlynn Kit
Day 15 - Holiday Blues - Ursula Michael
Day 16 - Borealis Polar Bear Cubs - Kustom Krafts
I have come to the decision that I need my brain tested for the stupid virus. I HAVE way over 100 pictures started and why or why am I starting 31 more. Like the Polar Bear Cubs. I must confess that I really did enjoy stitching on it even though I worked on it for hours and didn't get much done.
Four of my remaining starts are what I consider BIG and one HUGE. This is where I need the stupid test.
Look what I bought and will start by the end of the month.

This so reminds me of a HAED except not as detailed. You can read about it HERE. She has tons of great charts. I'll tell ya if I were about 40 years younger I would own everyone of the Disney charts. I'll have to see how many years this one takes before I get any more. (Don't hold me to that though) lol
Thanks for looking. Linda
Day 14 - Wolf - Janlynn Kit
Day 15 - Holiday Blues - Ursula Michael
Day 16 - Borealis Polar Bear Cubs - Kustom Krafts
I have come to the decision that I need my brain tested for the stupid virus. I HAVE way over 100 pictures started and why or why am I starting 31 more. Like the Polar Bear Cubs. I must confess that I really did enjoy stitching on it even though I worked on it for hours and didn't get much done.
Four of my remaining starts are what I consider BIG and one HUGE. This is where I need the stupid test.
Look what I bought and will start by the end of the month.

This so reminds me of a HAED except not as detailed. You can read about it HERE. She has tons of great charts. I'll tell ya if I were about 40 years younger I would own everyone of the Disney charts. I'll have to see how many years this one takes before I get any more. (Don't hold me to that though) lol
Thanks for looking. Linda
LOVE the owl one!! The stupid virus, huh? Knew there was a name for what I have!! You're among friends, sweetie :-) That Disney chart is amazing.
After this month is over, you'll have all year to stitch on your WIPs! The owls are so cute! I agree with the comment above. The Disney chart is amazing!
Woo hoo, look at that! Next thing is a HAED! Love your starts :D
Love your new starts! Looking forward to watching your progress on the Disney chart.
Great new starts. Am so not showing the girls the Disney one!
beautiful starts.
Your not mad, you just needed a challenge
The owl one is so cute! Your latest purchase is quite impressive, I'm sure you'll have fun stitching it!
Lovely new starts again!! The 'JOY' owls look very very cute !! :)
Love all your new starts and that Disney chart is amazing!
Lovely new charts. I think we all have SABLE, so what's wrong with starting some of the stash? So much fun!
We all have the same virus haha so enjoy it. Great new starts. Wow on the Disney chart. It's beautiful!
Can't wait to see your progress on all these!! Those polar bear cubs have been on my wish list for awhile!! They are SO cute!! Happy stitching!!
It's going to be great to see your progress on all of these! :D
That wolf looks stunning! I think it's not a 'stupid virus', more that it's almost impossible to contain those creative urges!
Can't wait to see that Disney chart-it looks epic :-)
You have some wonderful things lined up for 2014
Happy stitching!!
Don't worry - I have that virus too! I really like "Holiday Blues".
More lovely choices!! I love the owls.....they're a hoot!!! (Sorry....couldn't resist :-D
I love that wolf design. I know that I have seen it lately on someone else's blog, too. It will look great.
You ask why you are starting 31 more new pictures - and I always ask why not?? If it's fun, let's do it.
Lovely new starts.
Insane! That's what I call it. You won't catch me with multiple WIPs LOL.
Not unless you read my blog that is!
I have that wolf kit!! and I'm glad that you are feeling better.
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