CARS - AvroraCS

CARS - AvroraCS


Monday, October 13, 2014

Mega Mini Month Madness - Post 3

Hi Blogger Friends. It's MMMM time.  This is a SAL being hosted by Pull The Other Thread.  You can see all the other SALongers HERE.  We are to work on smalls for the month of October and see how many we can get done.  I didn't get a mini finished this week.  I was working on my Turtle Trot pieces.

Then I decided I wanted to crochet another lapghan and went digging through my 44 plastic storage boxes.  Needless to say, they haven't been looked through in a looooong time.  My cats like to lay on the top boxes and boy was there alot of cat hair.  I took them all out of room and cleaned them and the hairy wall, etc.  Took me all day.

Worse than that, I went shopping on Etsy.  I bought 39 charts.  I have spent several days printing out the charts and trying to organize them in binders and folders.  (Not done yet.)

In between writing this post I'm getting rid of tops that I've had for 30 years.  I'm doing this so I can clean out the coat closet so I can put my rolls of aida fabric and my 59 starts for next year in there.  I have very bad cats and everything needs to be enclosed.  I also really really need to get back to my SAL pieces.

I did get a little stitching done on my small.  This is April Stamp by Lizzie Kate.

Thanks for looking.   Linda


Shelly said...

39 charts?!!! You're my hero Linda! I'll live vicariously through you! Yeah, Etsy is dangerous...

sharine said...

What a tease not showing us which 39 lol. Cute stitching:)

Kate said...

Ah, yes, the But First Syndrome. I have that problem! I wondered how you kept your projects cat hair free. I have 3 bad cats who like to attack any and all thread and yarn. At least you got some stitching done :-)

Poppypatchwork said...

Wow a busy time for you, can't wait to see your new stitching.

Preeti said...

Lovely colors on your mini stitching !
Is it 89 or 39 ? I think its 8, not 3, because '39' isn't enough for you ;)

cucki said...

Ohh so sweet x

butterfly said...

Wow lots of stitching ! you will do it I know.

Annette-California said...

WOW Looking forward when you do get to start your new charts. Lovely stitching. love Annette

Thoeria said...

Did I read correctly??? 59 starts for next year???? 39 Charts from Etsy??!!! LOL!! I'm in awe and just a wee bit scared of you :D :D

Pull the other thread said...

Lovely progress on your mini. Sounds like you are super organised about your crafts. I wish you could fix my craft room :D

Emma Louise said...

Wow 39 charts! Would love to see some of those :P Nice stitching

Kaelyn Angelfoot said...

Very cute mini and good luck with those charts!

Mii Stitch said...

OMG, 39 charts!!! Wow!! YOu are sooo crazy :D Looking forward to see them all :)
Great stitching too xox

Carol said...

39 charts and 59 starts!! WOW! I am in awe, Linda!! Good luck with your organizing and cleaning--kitties will be kitties :)

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Wow, 39 charts and no clothes! If we have a cold winter we will find you snuggled under a pile of aida and paper!!
I do think we need a Show and Tell of the charts though.

Alyssa F said...

I would LOVE to see what 39 charts you bought. I find Etsy hit and miss sometimes, so would love to have your expertise on the charts you purchased.

Danielle A said...

Only 39?!?! ;) Sounds like you will be plenty busy for years to come. :D

Katie said...

You are crazy but I love watching your new starts!

Vicky L said...

Wow! 39 Charts! Good luck!

rosey175 said...

39 lol yikes. And making them so organized right away! And 59 STARTS next year omg. Please give me just a smidgen of your ambition please!! :D

Sarah in Stitches said...

Cute start! Good luck organizing everything :D

Sally said...

Wow 39 charts! That is a nice haul! Can't wait to see them all!

Anna van Schurman said...

Only 59/39? I'm so disappointed! LOL. I think the dude has clothes in their 30s. I'm so happy to hear you are getting rid of them. The dude will have his to his dying day. ("I don't need any new clothes. Why would you think that?")

Southpaw Stitcher said...

I'm interested to see the 39 charts, too! Sounds like you are all set for 2015! The April stamp is looking very cute.

Sheryl said...

What will you do with the 39 charts once stitched.?

Kaisievic said...

Okay, Limda, spill. A list of your new 39 charts, please. Love the way you have to lock your stuff away from the cats.

Brigitte said...

Oh my Linda, 39 new charts, absolutely gorgeous. You are my hero.
I also need a new box and some new space for it to store the 31 projects for Debbie's Ultimate Crazy January Challenge next year. I'm so looking forward to it.

Lynn said...

LOL I LOVE how small you made 39!!!!! I had to look twice1!!

diamondc said...

Oh my goodness. Good luck.


KimM said...

HOLY MOLY! You'e my hero.

Shebafudge said...

Haha...congratulations on the sort out! Brilliant reason for it :)

It doesn't matter how small you write that number, my zoom button works wonders. Of course I do think you should share what you bought with us! (In photos I mean, not physically!)