Hi Blogger Friends. The A - Z Challenge starts today. I guess I didn't learn my lessons in the last 3 months and will be attempting to do 3 challenges a day. Here we go.
Ariel - Disney Alphabet Sampler from Clouds Factory

Christmas Carols Alphabet from FangirlStitches on Etsy
These are both new starts. I am also going to attempt to work on a WIP/UFO each day that matches the days letter.
pretty little Amsterdam by Satsuma Street - I added some windows.
Thanks for looking. Linda
PS Don't forget to enter my giveaway in the post below.
PS Don't forget to enter my giveaway in the post below.
We'll never learn :-) Both letters look great, Linda. And I love your Amsterdam progress.
Lovely new starts and most of all, they are small! Good luck with the challenge.
Evalina, This and that...
What is this "learn" you speak of? I never learn either, I always start more projects than I finish and spend more than I should. But oh, the joy of stitching! Your projects are lovely, have a good time with them.
3 projects in one day - you are Wonder Woman! Super impressed :)
Wow, 3 starts! Keep it coming, lol. Great job;)
Well they say that you're never to old to learn... but we never seem to do so!
Love your "A" projects. This is going to be fun seeing what you are doing every day with these lovely alphabets!
Hugs xx
Wonderful job! I love how you're incorporating a WIP for the day too! Can't wait to see your projects grow, both of these are on my wish list!
WOW! What a hard challenge. Wonderful job! All of them are great. love Annette
Gorgeous pieces! Really looking forward to the month with these to watch :D
Three challenges a day, wow, that will keep you more than busy, lol. BUt If ever anyone masters it, it will be you.
Well that is an awesome started challenge! You go!
How in the world are you managing two challenges and extra stitching? You are amazing!
I don't think you need new starts for the A to Z challenge. Just show things you are already working on. That is what I am doing!!Love all the starts though. :)
Excellent starts! Great progress on Amsterdam too :D
Those are very cool. When I was in middle school, I took a cross stitch class and my creations are hanging up in my parents' home.
~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author
Linda, I have said it before and I will say it again - you are the most amazing of stitchers! I love you and all of your stitching - good luck with your A to Z challenge!
Congratulations on the first day of your A-Z challenge. Two lovely starts and some nice progress. Here's looking forward to the rest of the month! :)
Ariel is so cute!!!!
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