CARS - AvroraCS

CARS - AvroraCS


Sunday, May 31, 2015

A New Stitchy Start - May

Hi Blogger Friends.  Thank you so much for all of the great comments that you have been leaving.  I really appreciate them.

I finally came to a decision.  I have been working on 17 projects a month for the last couple years and it has been stressing me out for quite a while now.  My darn stubborn side kicks in and tells me that I HAVE to stitch on all of them each month.  I don't want to feel stressed anymore.  We are suppose to enjoy our stitching and not make it into a job.  With that said, this is what I have decided to do:

1.  I will continue with the Sunday Santa 12 Days of Christmas SAL.  Only, because I have been working on them for two and half years and want to get them done.  Progress on day 10.

2.  I will never stop doing the Tuesday SAL of the Satsuma Street Pretty Little Cities.  I love working on these designs.  If I ever run out, I have about 50 other similar city charts by different designers that I also love.  In fact, I could ALMOST just strictly stitch city charts.  Pretty Little London.

3.  A New Stitchy Start SAL.  This is the first year for this one.  I don't know if it will continue next year or not.  This is Cinderella's Castle.  I am really really enjoying stitching on this one and will continue.

4.  Turtle Trot SAL - This one seems to have fizzled out somewhat.  I am not going to try and work on each one every month.  If I decide to work on any of them I will post a progress pick on the 10th of the month.

5.  Smalls SAL - I will continue with this one so at least I will have one finish a month.

6.  YOTA - I will not continue with this one.

I basically just want to stitch on whatever I want whenever I want.  I will be doing 60 starts in January and February next year.  I am also doing 6 different things for the April A - Z challenge next year.  4 cross stitch related and 2 crochet.  I am starting to work on those this year.  They will be started but finished during the challenge.

Be Naughty by Lizzie Kate.  A whatever project that I pulled out of the UFO box and have now put back.
(Hopefully I will be showing you more UFO/whatever projects.)  lol

Thanks for looking.   Linda


rosey175 said...

Good for you picking what YOU want to do! It becomes too hard (and disheartening) to stitch what you think you must stitch rather than what you want. It will feel good to have your Santas done. :D

Heather said...

17 a month is nuts! I'm doing one and it's difficult to feel like I'm making progress lol

Anonymous said...

good for you, stitch what you love ♥ Happy Stitching

Tama said...

Must be the time of year - I've given up on YOTA and the Turtle Trot, too - at least for now.
Your work looks great, though, and it is more important to have fun than to feel like you gotta do stuff!

Poppypatchwork said...

Stress and stitching don't go, good for you, start to enjoy your stitching.

Preeti said...

That's the same reason I have given up on SALs for this year because I wanted to stitch as per my wish. If I sign up for a SAL and could not stitch then it was bad on my part to let the SAL owners down and I also had a bad experience that even after working hard on SAL pieces last year, some of the SAL owners barely made a visit to my post.
Your projects are looking great!! Enjoy stitching :)

Tiki said...

Maybe we should have a Take Back Your Stitching SAL. Ha. Most days right about now, I know I've joined too many. Whether I remember that in January remains to be seen. I looked forward to seeing your progress on whatever you decide to work on.

butterfly said...

Yes stitch what you love to stitch , I change my mind all the time, thats the fun.
You don't want another job !
Enjoy your stitching ,
My new thing is to stitch on one large one med and a small so I do get to finish one every week or few weeks , I am enjoying this but then I may change things again in the Autumn.
Thats the fun of stitching. Nothing is set in stone.

Justine said...

So happy for you that you've found something that works for you...For now at least! I look forward to seeing some of your UFOs making a reappearance.

cucki said...

I am sending you big hugs
Happy stitching xx

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Laughing at Tiki's comment! I think it's a great idea.

I think I have my rotation about right for me, the City on Tuesday, 2 Hallowe'en projects per month and one Scarlet Letter. The rest of the time I'm stitching one at a time on my 31 projects from January.

Tricia said...

Good for you to stitch on what you enjoy. I'm thinking that my YOTA piece is going to be changed this month. I just can't stay focused on the one I chose. Like Tama said - maybe it is the time of year!! LOL! I'll enjoy watching your stitching no matter what you stitch on!

Shelly said...

I understand completely. That was my reason for going solo this year. I'm with just two SALs this year, one that posts once every two, three months and the other once a month. Works for me. Glad you found a happy medium!

Sarah said...

I can't imagine that many SALs. Your work is beautiful and shouldn't cause you stress. Glad your finding a routine that works for you.

D1-D2 said...

Good for you!

Tiffstitch said...

Great decision. Stitching is definitely supposed to be something that makes us happy, not stressed. I see Turtle Trot as a low-stress SAL. If you stitch on something, great, if not, no big deal. I look at it as a way to focus my stitching for the year, but you do that already with your SALs. I will continue to look forward to seeing what you're working on when you post. :)

Brigitte said...

So good for you to make these decisions. Stitching should be only fun and the only important thing is that you stitch on whatever you enjoy stitching. And change projects as often or as rarely as it pleases you.

Southpaw Stitcher said...

You do need to stitch what you want, when you want. It's a hobby and it's supposed to be enjoyable. All of your progress photos look great! I used to be a one-at-a-time stitcher, and seem to be headed back in that direction. Which means I'm posting less now (don't want to bore people), but enjoying it more!

Kaelyn Angelfoot said...

17 a month? Wowzer! That would completely stress me out. I am participating in YOTA and turtle trot, but I don't try to work on all of them every month - I usually get to one or two and work on those for 2-4 weeks each. It is what I've heard referred to as a "screaming" rotation. Which ever project screams the loudest gets the most attention. :) Hope you start enjoying your stitching again!

Keebles said...

I'm always happiest when I stitch what I want, when I want. There is nothing worse than a stitching deadline!

Darla M Sands said...

You are very talented. I hope your stress reduces with your decisions. Too bad I didn't find you during the A to Z Challenge.

On that note, I'd like to invite you on another sort of blog hop, the Liebster Award, for which I've nominated you. You can find the information here: but if it's too much of a time commitment, please don't feel obligated. I can "tag" someone else on this if you wish it.

Best wishes!

Angela said...

I admire that you have started so many projects but agree that stitching is supposed to be fun and relaxing (except when the frogs visit) and the most important thing is to stitch what you love :) I will look forward to watching your progress on the projects you've picked to focus on.

gominam said...

Enjoy your stitching stress-free. Will look forward to your beautiful WIPs:)

Unknown said...

Very nice progress dear Linda!!! It's a lot of works that you have in your hands!

diamondc said...

I just could not do that many SAL's I am kind of an airhead and would be so lost, I admire your strength to keep going.


Sarah in Stitches said...

Lovely stitching! I don't blame you for simplifying, it's no use stressing yourself out!

Mii Stitch said...

Don't worry we don't blame you!!
Stitching is your hobby so do whatever you feel like doing :)

sharine said...

Glad you kept Cinderella. Happy stitching Linda:)

Witchy Lizard said...

Good for you honey-do it because you love it not because you feel you have to xx

Kate said...

Great choice, Linda! Stitching should be enjoyed, not stressful. I'm probably headed in that direction, too.

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Kaisievic said...

Good on you, Linda, you are right - our stitching needs to be fun! You always pick such fun designs - let me know if you want to continue with a PS SAL on Sundays once we finish the Santas. Love Kaye

Thoeria said...

I'm going to go off into a corner and blubber incoherently at the thought of 60 new starts for a year.....and 17 projects a month!!! :O
I barely manage to stitch on 4 a month....and that stretches me! You're right ....this us our love and passion and enjoyment. Once it starts to feel like a must do then the joy fizzles and really...why would you want that's?! I'm looking forward to continue watching your many many projects :)

Alyssa F said...

Love seeing all the progress as usual. And good for you for modifying the participation to stitch what YOU want. This is my first year participating in SALs and I've found they are good for motivation, but sometimes very stressful!

Jennifer M. said...

I have always been impressed with the numbers of projects you have going on. Don't be stressed to do them all. The fun is the process of just stitching. Work on the ones you truly enjoy.