This was the first A - Z Challenge that I did and I really enjoyed it. I want to thank all of you that followed me through this journey and left me such encouraging comments.
I must admit that towards the end I was struggling. I can't believe that it took me about 3 hours to stitch one of those little Disney characters. I am looking forward to the challenge next year and will be doing 5 different projects. BUT, I will be starting to work on them this year.
I felt the challenge was ran great and have no dislikes. I enjoyed visiting other blogs. It was very interesting to see what other subjects that were being done on other blogs.
I'm getting excited to start working on next years challenges.
Great idea to start early and make sure you don't feel tired out by the end. 5 challenges? wow!!
Gosh you make me tired just thinking about five projects! Ha! I am going to do the same as you, though, and get started earlier to make it easier next year. You are inspiring!
You did a great job with the challenge! I wouldn't have been able to do it. Good idea to start early this time for next year's!
Thanks for talking me into it, Linda :-) I really did enjoy it and loved stitching the two projects with you. I'm excited to work on next year's 5 projects together, too!
You all did a wonderful job on the challenge. Looking forward to see what you come up with next, I'm sure it's gonna be great:)
Great Job! I need to do a challenge once, seems like fun
How many new starts do you think you will do for next year? Is this for Debbie's Crazy Challenge?
You did fantastic for the A-Z challenge. Fun to see all you stitched. love Annette
I really enjoyed reading your A-Z challenge. It was fun to see everything -
Hi Linda, Congrats on successfully completing the challenge and good luck for next year :)
Your A-Z was great fun to follow. Intrigued by next year's already!
So great that you followed through. I can easily imagine that it wasn't always easy to do all the stitching and the posting. Great job!
Wonderful that you enjoyed the challenge, I am one who would not do well, I am a scatter brain and change projects often.
Well done on getting through the challenge! You really did make it one big challenge... and I can't believe you are planning 5 projects for next year!!
I am going to try and be more organised for next year - currently on the look out for the perfect design to stitch in full! Maybe an Alphabet Sampler!!
Hugs xx
Just now getting around to visiting the blogs in the challenge. April was a busy month for me. Congrats on completing the A to Z Challenge! Looking forward to next year! See you on the Road Trip!
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