Harry Potter Alphabet by Clouds Factory (Sorry Rachel)
Los Angeles by Natali Needlework - I did the yellow windows.
Love My Coffee by Lizzie Kate (Finish #35)
Louis from The Princess and the Frog by Clouds Factory (Finish #36)
Lamb by Heart in Hand (Start #105)
Thanks for stopping by. Linda
Los Angeles by Natali Needlework - I did the yellow windows.
Love My Coffee by Lizzie Kate (Finish #35)
14ct Tropical Pink
Started 8-30-15
Finished 4-14-16
14ct Oatmeal
Started 1-11-16
Finished 4-14-16
Thanks for stopping by. Linda
Great choices I love Louis :) My only complaint is isn't that Narcissa not Bellatrix? Bella doesn't have white hair :)
Linda: The Love My Coffee is a wonderful stitch, I have to have my coffee, La Bellatrix has gray and black hair, she is lovely.
All your stitching is wonderful.
You're doing great! This is your year of finishes for sure!
Linda, you're going to have to make up your own HP alphabet with all the missing characters! Love everything again today, especially the LK fabric - wow, that's bright! Do you realise we're half way through tomorrow? M is for Mcgonagall, right? :)
This L*K finish si so nice, and what a great fabric you used. The fabric colour and the picture of a cup of steaming coffee are perfect for a nice wake-up in the morning :)
I love that Tropical pink aida - and the coffee design too. Do you like coffee by any chance? I do.
I was sure Rachel was right with Luna Lovegood! Of course Bellatrix had to be in there. Is M for Malfoy?
Lovely Ls Linda !!:)
Great work and some adorable finishes!
Oh dear, I can see Rachel got it wrong with the HP character for L :)
I really thought it would have been Luna!
Visiting from A to Z. I so wish I could still cross stitch. Unfortunately, my vision just won't allow me to. I love your work though!
You are doing very well Linda, we are half way through the challenge - only 13 days left.
Evalina, This and that...
Well done lots of lovely starts.
Nova animi affectio magis
L is for Latin (quite appropriate for Harry Potter!)
Great little alligator too. (crocodile?)
Cute choices, the Lamb is my favorite. Have fun stitching:)
love your finishes!!!!!!
Great job! You're keeping up really well :D
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