Harry Potter Alphabet by Clouds Factory
New York by Clouds Factory - I finished the blue.
My first failure of my challenge. I don't think it will be the last.
Nala from The Lion King by Clouds Factory (Finish #41)
14ct Blue Ridge
Started 1-29-16
Finsihed 4-16-16
Nemo from Finding Nemo by Clouds Factory (Finish #42)
14ct Natural Brown
Started 3-18-16
Finished 4-16-16
Nest by Heart in Hand (Start #107)
Thanks for stoppiny by. Linda
Again, I want to thank all of you for the nice comments that you have been leaving during this challenge. I really appreciate them.
Beautiful stitching as always Linda. Nemo is just so cute.
Fangirl Stitches cross stitching A-Z
Travel like a Geek Harry Potter Tour
I think you are doing great! Don't be so critical of yourself.
I don't call that a failure at all! So, you didn't finish it - big deal - you've finished loads of others and should be proud of those. Think positive.
Haha, so I got the N wrong as well! O is for Ollivander? :)
Aww yay Neville! Great progress that's not a failure you made progress at least!
Great progress my dear ..
Love x
At first I didn't understand what you meant, but I got it, you didn't finish the stitching. Hey, you got a ton done, and as long as you're enjoying it, that's all that matters. You were really close!
I don't see anything wrong! The amount of stitching you accomplish is amazing!
I think you are doing great too! Adore Nemo :)
Flere herlige nye starter
N is for Norwegian
You've done so well with all the finishes too, so what if one is a nearly!
Love the idea of blogging A - Z, no way do I blog enough to keep up, so am impressed with all your pieces. Especially love all the little cloud factory ones, to cute! Sue
I still can't get over how much stitching you get done...
I am completely amazed!
Loving all the pieces and the Harry Potter alphabet is especially adorable.
Great finishes!
Love Neville, and I know my kids would love Nemo! Beautiful work!
Stormy’s Sidekicks!
@LGKeltner from
Writing Off the Edge
Never a failure, my dear, but always an inspiration - gorgeous stitching.
Lovely stitching!! Your success rate is very high so a tiny failure (failure, as you call it) doesn't affect anything in the challenge.
No failure, Linda. You have finishes to show here and they look all so great. Just continue with these posts, they are so much fun to read.
I see more finishes!! Great going, well done!
Nemo is so cute!!! You're doing great with this challenge:)
Definitely not a failure Linda - it's a step closer to another finish! Neville is one of my favourite characters so I'm happy to see him. You're going to have a wonderful sampler at the end of the month!
Not sure why you said it is a failure but I think it looks good to me. Nemo is one of my favorite movies and I can't wait until Finding Dory comes out!
Couldn't understand why you called it a failure. Were you aiming for another finish? Cause I think the amount of finishes you have every day is incredible! Great job :D
why a failure?? You finished some great pieces!!!
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