Hi Blogger Friends. Thank you for all of the sweet comments and words of encouragement. I really appreciate them.
I did my first blog post on 1-2-11 and never thought I would ever have so many awesome friends. Thank you for sticking with me. I would like to do a little giveaway in honor of my 6 year Blogoversary. It's going to be a little contest. Guess how many TOTAL Wip's/UFO's I have started.
It's a whole bunch. The person guessing the closest without going over will win a $15.00 gift certificate.
Comment on this post only with your guess. I will keep it open until February 25.
On a sidenote - Of course I haven't touched my Ten-a-day projects since the second week. BUT, I like to play catch up. I have also decided that I am going to add 2 more projects. That way I can do 70 stitches a day in each one and hopefully will have 7 finishes by the end of the year. HOWEVER, (you knew that was coming - right.) One of the projects will be a start sometime soon I hope or maybe not until May 1. I am trying to decide which one. Any suggestions? I would only have to do about 55 stitches everyday to get it done. More of course until I get it caught up.

Thanks for stopping by. Linda
PS I'm still frantically stitching away on my April challenge projects.

My sweet Mocha. RIP
I did my first blog post on 1-2-11 and never thought I would ever have so many awesome friends. Thank you for sticking with me. I would like to do a little giveaway in honor of my 6 year Blogoversary. It's going to be a little contest. Guess how many TOTAL Wip's/UFO's I have started.
It's a whole bunch. The person guessing the closest without going over will win a $15.00 gift certificate.
Comment on this post only with your guess. I will keep it open until February 25.
On a sidenote - Of course I haven't touched my Ten-a-day projects since the second week. BUT, I like to play catch up. I have also decided that I am going to add 2 more projects. That way I can do 70 stitches a day in each one and hopefully will have 7 finishes by the end of the year. HOWEVER, (you knew that was coming - right.) One of the projects will be a start sometime soon I hope or maybe not until May 1. I am trying to decide which one. Any suggestions? I would only have to do about 55 stitches everyday to get it done. More of course until I get it caught up.

Thanks for stopping by. Linda
PS I'm still frantically stitching away on my April challenge projects.
My sweet Mocha. RIP
I like either the Mad Hatter or the Red Queen. Lovely pic of Mocha and I guess 55 new starts for January.
I'm partial to the Mad Hatter of the choices, and that's such a fun photo of Mocha. I love the cat bed. My cat will not sleep in his. Starts, let's say 653?
The first hat one looks more fun to start with. I have lost the count of my WIPs eventhough they might be less than 15 and I admire that you can keep track of how many you have. Just a wild guess - 467
Adorable photo of dear Mocha :o)
I love that Mad Hatter.... although the red Queen looks pretty good too!
My guess on your total starts WIPs/UFOs would be 750 :o)
Hugs x
Wait, we're supposed to keep track of our starts? :-)
Okay for yours I'll guess 674.
I vote for Red Riding Hood, she's funny. You know you made me go and look at that site. Interesting style she has.
By the way, if you're still looking, Maria Diaz has those vintage London, Paris and New York posters on her website if you never found them anywhere else. mariadiazdesigns.com.
I look forward to your new starts.
Couldn't possibly guess!! I know you have hundreds of them :)
Good luck to all who enters your giveaway.
1,095 is my guess! Mad Hatter is nice with all those shades of teal. What a nice picture of Mocha! Have a good day today, Linda!
I vote Mad Hatter too! I couldn't guess how many projects you have started - 825?
my favorite number 988
Oh, I love guessing games! I'm not sure I understand the question completely, but I'm just going to jump right in and say 1370 starts in total.
Oh Linda you have us ALL beat in the start department! I am going to guess that you have 1,000 WIPs/UFOs total. I have often admired your ability to have so many of these and be able to keep track of them all!
I love the Mad Hatter and hope to see him appear on your page soon.
I vote Mad Hatter and I will say 650.
Okay Mocha: You look way too comfortable, what a cute photo.
Love your stitching projects, they are lovely.
I could not even begin to gues.
Oh, my, I know you are the queen of new starts, Linda, so I will guess a high number. 856!! Still can't imagine how you keep them all straight :) Happy Blog Anniversary!
I say either the Mad Hatter or the Red Queen, and my guess is 867.
Madhatter. Is my favorite - Love it. I am going to say you have 630 wips. One of the best things about your blog is seeing all the wonderful projects there are out there for all of us to stitch. Always adding to my Must Stitch Lists here
What a great idea to have 7 projects for the 10 a day!
I vote for the Mad Hatter, he's my favourite of the four.
Everyone is guessing much higher than I would have thought so I'm going low and saying 423.
I would choose the Mad Hat Man :)))
Love guessing games, so I´m thinking about 370. Love the Queen design, well they are all gorgeous but I would do the Queen first.
Great pieces! I'm going to say 713. Congrats on your blogaversary!
Okay, new starts since forever (not since January - lol!). I am going to say 1467! Wow! I hope that I am right!
Love the Mad hatter and I must know where you got it!!!! I think you have 524 starts
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