Hi Blogger Friends. Thank you for all of the nice comments on my last post. Sorry I haven't been around for a while. I have been dealing with alot of leg pain and some nasty headaches. I have been reading your posts and leaving comments. I have still been stitching. Lets see if I can figure out what I've worked on for birthday projects. (My hard drive crashed the end of March and I lost all of my pictures. Thankfully I didn't lose the ones on my blog or my facebook groups.)
34. Simba - AvroraCS
35. November Block - Lizzie Kate - Finish 8
36. August Stamp - Lizzie Kate - Finish 9
37. Summer Alphabet - Lizzie Kate
38. St. Nicholas - Prairie Schooler
39. Pretty Little Los Angeles - Satsuma Street
40. Pretty Little Chicago - Satsuma Street
41. Giza Egypt (Postcards Around the World) Clouds Factory
42. Faith (Christmas Spirit) Lizzie Kate
43. July 4th Bird - Heart in Hand
I also worked on:
Alice by AvroraCS
Alice in Wonderland by DoNa Stitch
Frozen by AvroraCS
One bit of sad news. We had to put Midnight to sleep.

RIP little girl. You are missed.
Thanks for stopping by. Linda
34. Simba - AvroraCS
35. November Block - Lizzie Kate - Finish 8
14ct Beige Aida
Finished 4-4-19
36. August Stamp - Lizzie Kate - Finish 9
14ct Beige Aida
Finished 4-10-19
37. Summer Alphabet - Lizzie Kate
38. St. Nicholas - Prairie Schooler
39. Pretty Little Los Angeles - Satsuma Street
40. Pretty Little Chicago - Satsuma Street
41. Giza Egypt (Postcards Around the World) Clouds Factory
42. Faith (Christmas Spirit) Lizzie Kate
43. July 4th Bird - Heart in Hand
I also worked on:
Alice by AvroraCS
Alice in Wonderland by DoNa Stitch
Frozen by AvroraCS
One bit of sad news. We had to put Midnight to sleep.

Thanks for stopping by. Linda
Bravo to you in keeping up with your bday stitching. You've been busy. Hope your leg has stopped giving you problems. I'm so sorry to read of Midnight's passing. I'm sure she gave you lots of love throughout the years and vice versa. Take care Linda:)
Linda: You have two great finish's a Santa who is almost finished and the other great designs, you have been busy.
So sorry about Midnight.
Such sweet, sweet finishes Linda. I am so sorry about your dear Midnight Linda.
You've accomplished a lot recently. You've stitched on almost twice as many birthday projects than I have, but I'm still on track for meeting my goal.
I'm sorry to hear about Midnight. We've lost several cats over the years and the pain is real. I hope the leg problems and migraines go away quickly or at least get much less painful.
Your wips are really wonderful. I am sorry to hear about Midnight, it is always difficult losing a pet.
Sorry for the loss of your furbaby Midnight. I do hope your health improves soon so you can keep up with the finishes!
Looks like you have been busy Linda though I am sorry to hear you have been having so much pain. Hope you are doing much better. This reminds me to get out Pretty Little Chicago and get busy on it!
So sorry about Midnight.
In spite of not feeling well, I'm glad it hasn't prevented you from stitching - and finishing! I hope you're feeling better.
Oh, Linda, so sorry to hear about Midnight, treasure your memories.
So lovely to see some more of the 'oldies' being stitched on again, and with some more finishes in there too! Sorry to hear your health hasn't been good but hope you're feeling better now and still able to continue towards your birthday goal. The passing of a little companion is never easy; hopefully photos and memories will ease the pain. :)
So sorry to read about Midnight, Linda. When we were naming our all black cat years ago, the choices were down to Midnight and Shadow :) We ended up with Shadow...
Hope you feel better soon--glad you are still able to work on all of your pretty projects!
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Midnight. That is very hard. I hope you are feeling a bit better as well, and that is some serious progress. Congrats on the finishes too!
I'm so sorry to hear about Midnight, hope you're okay. And I hope you are feeling better too with all your aches and pains. Congrats on your 10 birthday projects, you've done well stunner.
xo Alicia
Hi Linda. Just catching up on my blog reading. You have a lot of pretty stitching in progress and a couple of cute finishes.
So very sorry about Midnight. Hope you are feeling better.
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