Harry Potter Alphabet by Clouds Factory
Italy by Clouds Factory - I did more green.
Is It Coffee Yet? by Lizzie Kate (Finish #28)
14ct Tropical Pink Aida
Started 8-31-15
Finished 4-11-16
Iago from Aladdin by Clouds Factory (Finish #29)
14ct Oatmeal
Started 1-5-16
Finished 4-11-16
Ice Skate by Heart in Hand (Start #102)
Thank you for all of the encouraging comments on my posts. They are greatly appreciated and keep me motivated.
Thanks for stopping by. Linda
oooh, I really like the ice skate one, Linda.
That is a lot of I charts! My favorite is Iago ;)
I have no idea how you keep up with so many projects but they look wonderful!!!
Another great day's stitching! I love the LK one yet again. Your Harry Potter alphabet must be getting quite big now.
More great stitching. Still loving the alphabets. :)
Lots of lovely new starts .
Great stitching & finishing!!!
Another set of lovelies! The ice skate is pretty and Iago is so cute!
Altri nuovi inizi incantevoli.
I is for Italian which I have used before but put "stars" instead of "starts" into the translator!
Beautiful as always Linda. Iago is very cute :)
Fangirl Stitches A-Z Cross Stitch Style
Travel like a Geek A-Z Harry Potter film locations
Lots of beauties in this one! I love iagos bright colors!
HIH has such great little designs, all the monthlies and alphabet ones. Great new start.And nice finishes on the HP alphabet and the L*K one.
Great starts, progress and finishes!!
More great starts and finishes! :D
love your starts and finishes!!!!
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