Hi Blogger Friends. It's time for my turtle trot update. This is a SAL being hosted by Claudette of BAP Attack. We pick 10 projects to work on throughout the year and see how many we can finish. I stitched on 4 yesterday, 3 on Sunday and the other 3 this past week.
Kate is doing a rotation on hers and it seems to be working really well for her. You start on the 11th and stitch on one piece for 3 days. Pick another one and stitch on it for 3 days etc. Some days you may only have time to work on one but at least they will all get some stitching on them.
You have to admit that I'm pretty darn consistent with my crooked pictures.
Kate is doing a rotation on hers and it seems to be working really well for her. You start on the 11th and stitch on one piece for 3 days. Pick another one and stitch on it for 3 days etc. Some days you may only have time to work on one but at least they will all get some stitching on them.
You have to admit that I'm pretty darn consistent with my crooked pictures.
Believe it or not, I'm starting to get tired of the starts. BUT, I will prevail and finish them for the month. Remember when I said I would finish 1 and start 5. I changed my mind and will maybe finish 2 and start 1. Of course that is subject to change. lol
Here are my next 4 starts:
Start 65 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Clouds Factory
Here are my next 4 starts:
Start 65 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Clouds Factory
Start 66 - Cinderella - Clouds Factory

Start 67 - Mickey Mouse and Friends - Clouds Factory

Start 68 - Doggy String - Lizzie Kate
Thanks for looking. Linda
Wow, lots of good stitching going on! Love it.
Firstly, love your new banner. How relevant for most of us!
Second, congratulations on stitching on all 10 Turtle Trot pieces. You've made good progress considering everything else you're doing.
Thirdly, WHAT? Are my eyes deceiving me about new starts? There'll be no shame if you drop out during March so good luck with carrying on.
Fourthly, love all your new starts. of course! :)
Dear Linda I am so proud of you! You progress lovely on all pieces and you're thinking about more finishes! Is that a sign of a cure from startitis?
You got it lots of good stitching! Congrats :)
Great progress on all your projects Linda!
Lots of great stitching going on here.
Nice little starts.
Great starts and progress on everything! The rotation is a good idea, although I don't know if it will fit me, but maybe. Something to think on. :)
Nice progress dear!! You have a lot of works in hands!!
Fantastic! lol! Your header pic cracks me up!
Lovely new start and fantastic progress on your TT pieces. Trying to pick a favorite this month is tough. I'll vote March Sampler because it's March and March is the Best Month. :)
I love all your products...but I think my favorites are the Disney ones!!!!
Congrats on working on all ten of your TT projects! Your new starts are adorable.
love you blog banner ♥ great projects
So pretty! I love watching your beautiful projects grow!
Nice new starts, too - I like the wee Cinderella set the best but they are all great :D
Great progress, as always :) lovely new starts!!
Such lovely progress on all your pieces. Slowly but steady, and the word steady is what counts. BUt is your startitis really getting weak? Let's see, lol. Your new header is a hoot. Absolutely great!
Your banner made me laugh, but only because it is so true for me too! Wow, what a lot of great starts, my favorites are the Lizzie Kates her designs are always adorable!
Love all your beautiful stitching. I don't blame you for wanting to concentrate on working on things instead. I felt the same way.
Woo hoo! Progress on all ten!! Yay!! They all look great. Great new starts; I like all the different colored aida.
Wonderful stitching! I started the Spring Alphabet last night. I just couldn't wait!! : )
you've made good, noticeable progress on all pieces!
More starts.....more starts....more starts......
That's me a gibbering wreck thinking of all those starts :D
Great progress Linda. Still loving them all, especially Myrna! :)
So much progress.
All your projects are looking great!:) x
Well done on the progress! I love the new starts also! It's your stitching so your rules can change as often as you want :) Why not just see how you feel, if you finish one and want to start some more then go for it, if you don't, then don't!
Love the new header! I was thinking you should change your blog name to Startin with my Furbabies...then you go and get finishitis on us! Love your new starts. I'm amazed you get any progress on your TT projects but you do, every month. Well done xx
Lovely new starts! Great progress on your Turtle Trot pieces too :D
Don't falter now! They all look great, but New York is looking particularly good.
Great update! Everything looks lovely!
Cuteness overload. I enjoyed looking at all these pictures! Great progress;)
Wow, you've made a lot of headway, they all look great. My two favorites are Mitten Friends, the little guys are so cute, and 6 Fat Men, I adore LK's designs, and have this on in my stash too as it makes me smile looking at it. Fun new starts, I'll really enjoy seeing Doggy String take shape :)
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