CARS - AvroraCS

CARS - AvroraCS


Friday, March 27, 2015

Starts 81 - 85 DISDUCJFMC

Hi Blogger Friends.  I ONLY HAVE 5 STARTS LEFT.

Start 81 - Amsterdam - Natali Needlework

Start 82 - Not How Many You Finish - My Big Toe

Start 83 - January (Blocks with Charm) - Lizzie Kate

Start 84 - Spooky (Boo Club) - Lizzie Kate

Start 85 - May (A Year with Charm) - Lizzie Kate

Thanks for looking.  Linda


Kaisievic said...

Wow, Linda, you are the most amazing stitcher ever! I love all of your new starts and I cannot wait to see some finishes. Love you and love your work.

Kaisievic said...

P.S. The January Flip it and Spooky are my favourites out of this group of starts.

Justine said...

Start 82 is perfect for you! More gorgeous colours in these new starts.

Jacqueline Morris said...

Wonderful new starts, your amazing!
I love your January flip it....only because it has a sheep in it! Ha ha oh but loving the mixture of colours, it's wonderful.
Smiles :)

Tricia said...

Fantastic!!! I look forward to hearing what kind of a rotation you are going to use to work on all these fun pieces!!

diamondc said...

Linda: These are some great starts.


Kate said...

Gotta love small charts! Perfect for starts. That bright fabric is pretty, too.

Margaret said...

Great starts! And wow -- you're almost there with the end of the starts!

Faith... said...

Go Linda - you can do it!! I think start number 82 is very appropriate!

Unknown said...

Hi Linda!! Very nice starts!! Have a nice weekend! Kisses

sharine said...

More beautiful starts:)

butterfly said...

More great designs to start.

Preeti said...

Lovely starts, Linda !! And the start 82 is perfect :)

Sally said...

Fantastic starts! No. 82 is so apt!

Brigitte said...

Some more great starts that you show here. May is just adorable, what a lovely design. Looking forward to seeing the remaining 5.

Thoeria said...

I admit I chuckled at start 82! That's perfect!
Lovely starts! How many more?

Anna van Schurman said...

Love your header! It has to be true with that many starts. I am a starter, but your number just gives me the hives! :)

Jan Gartlan said...

Well done!

Lana said...

Great starts! Boy! You're gonna be one busy stitcher!!

Southpaw Stitcher said...

Love this group of starts. You go, girl!

EvalinaMaria said...

Great, just 5 more... and then... April starts and the A to Z challenge!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

The End is Nigh!! The end of the starts anyway.

The Big Toe design is just made for you, perfect!

Stitching Noni said...

Wow! love your new starts....
This is one big marathon and you are nearly there... then it will time to start stitching on all your lovely WIP's
Hugs xx
PS: thank you for your comments on my blog... I still haven't worked out why your comments aren't coming through on my email notifications... but I am trying to catch them where I can on my blog :o)

Annette-California said...

Great new starts Linda & lovely progress! How exciting your almost done with your goal.
You are doing wonderful!!!
love Annette

Miamina said...

They are all looking awesome! Well done :)

D1-D2 said...

I love the My Big Toe quote. It's suites you perfectly lol

gominam said...

Beautiful choices! Looking forward seeing them grow;)

Rachel said...

Love your new starts as usual, especially the LKs. Only five more to go? Good job you've signed up for the A-Z challenge then! :)

Mii Stitch said...

More great new starts!
Roll on your next challenge :)

Anonymous said...

great new starts, love the Amsterdam one

Dani - tkdchick said...

Only five???!!!???

Beth in IL said...

That is just amazing that you stuck with this! I am so easily distracted they would be eternal UFO's in my basement. I have you to blame for starting me on the A to Z Challenge. That is my story and I am sticking to it. :)

rosey175 said...

I see I am not the only one who thinks #82 is perfect for you. :) Love the Spooky start though, that's a cute pattern.

Sarah in Stitches said...

Lovely starts! :D