CARS - AvroraCS

CARS - AvroraCS


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Finally an Update

Hi blogging friends.  Thank you for all the wonderful comments on my last post.  They are greatly appreciated.  I decided a month ago to work on a WIP doing one strand a day and one day a week.  I picked The Library by LHN.  That lasted for two weeks.  I realized that the county fair was only 2 months away and I better get with the program.  Here is a pic of The Library.

I have also decided not to do Anniversaries of the Heart series by Blackbird Designs.  Its just way to big and has a lot of over 1 stitching that don't work on 14 ct fabric.  I have the first 9 charts if anybody is interested in purchasing them.  I started another picture in its place.  Here is a pic.

Neighborhood Row - Bent Creek - 14 ct lt. fiddler

So, I decided I want to crochet at least 6 afghans, a shawl and a doll dress for a 13" doll to enter in the fair.  I have until July 23 to complete them.  But, I also decided that I want to enter America, Land That We Love in it also.  There is a square for your name and Completed On.     How neat would it be to complete it on July 4?  As you can see, I still need to bs around the squares and I am also going to bs around the letters and stars.  (You can click on any picture to enlarge and click on the enlargement to enlarge more.)

Here are the color changes I made:
America - 666
Stars between - 798
State names and Dates - 796 and 817
Border around ea state - 321 and 995
Outside squares on first row - 798 and 321

The bottom saying will be blue with red hearts.  I also put the stitched by and completed on in one square.  The other square  will say:  All American - Baseball - Hot Dogs - Apple Pie.  I will be either hearts or stars or both on the bottom of eash one.

I'm down to about 7 weeks  so  I better get with the program.

Thanks for looking.    Linda