CARS - AvroraCS

CARS - AvroraCS


Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 2 Crazy Challenge

Sorry for the crazy post.  I still have no idea as to how to get things looking right.

    The Tea  Room - CCN - 14 ct lambswool        

The Library - LHN started 2-18-10  14 ct beige

Skittles on the left - he is an elf.  Mocha on the right - she is 3/4 sphynx 1/4 bengal.

This is Snowflake.  She is half bengal half sphynx.


Karen said...

Linda, Welcome to the blogging world, I'm sure you will enjoy it! Your stitching projects are looking really nice and I love your beautiful kitties!

Tricia said...

Ooo - you have some beautiful projects to work on!!!

blueladie said...

Love your cats Linda and your projects are coming along nicely! :) TFS Cathryn