CARS - AvroraCS

CARS - AvroraCS


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Linda's January Stitch from Stash

Hi Blogger Friends.  I really don't know why I joined this SAL.  I have NO willpower.   We are suppose to just stitch from stash and not spend money this year unless we absolutely need something.  Or we need floss or fabric for a certain chart we already have, etc.  We do get a monthly budget of $25.00.  Well, I'm not doing to good at it.  It is being hosted by Mel of Epic Stitching.  You can read all about it HERE.

Amount Spent:  $25.00
New Starts from Stash:  24
WIPs or UFOs worked on:  3

I bought the Disney chart, a piece of fabric and DMC floss.  This is my start.  (You can see all my other starts in previous posts)

Disney Heroes N16. Counted Cross Stitch Pattern.  PDF Files.

Thanks for looking.   Linda


Emma/Itzy said...

well at least you didn't over spend!

Tricia said...

Yay for staying within the budget! : )

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Did you not have any Christmas money leftover? That really helped me!

And you've made a start on diminishing the stash too.

Sara said...

At least you didn't go over budget and you've started a lot of several projects from your stash so not all was lost... :)

Angela said...

Wonderful first stash report. Mine has just been posted too!

Katie said...

It was worth it though. Here's hoping next month is cheaper for you.

SoCal Debbie said...

That chart is fantastic so of course you needed new fabric and floss to go with it! Now you can stay busy stitching all year and stay under budget!

Justine said...

Thank goodness! So many bloggers have spent nothing this month, I thought I was the only one who had shopped. Your new chart is fantastic.

Pull the other thread said...

Wow that is an amazing chart. Do you mind me asking where you got it? I adore Disney. Well done on sticking to the budget, which is an achievement.

Mii Stitch said...

Don't feel bad, you are under budget!!!

Mii Stitch said...

Don't feel bad, you are under budget!!!

Sarah in Stitches said...

At least you spent exactly $25! I think that's a lot of willpower :D

Faith... said...

LOL - you stayed within the monthly budget and that is what counts! I love the Disney chart and will definitely be looking for updates on this one!

Kaisievic said...

Good on you, I did not join as I know that I could not Stitch only from Stash - lol!
hugs, Kaye

Mel said...

Wow, what a piece of Disney magic!
Don't worry I'm wondering why I started this group as I'm doing not so great either. lol.

Brigitte said...

... but you stayed within the budget and that's all that counts.

Shebafudge said...

What a gorgeous chart...well worth breaking into the stash budget for!