CARS - AvroraCS

CARS - AvroraCS


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Starts 26 - 31 and a GIVEAWAY

Hi Blogger Friends.  I did it.  I managed to get all 31 started in January.  I really would like to get lots finished this year.

Day 26 - Do Not Disturb - Forever In My Heart

Day 27 - July - Waxing Moon Designs

Day 28 - Trick or Treat - Ursula Michael

Day 29 - The Flintstones - this was a free chart from Intricate Cross Stitch

Day 30 - Gallinas - this was a free chart from Nacaranta

Day 31 - Sleeping Beauty - Walt Disney Characters in Counted Cross Stitch - Paragon Needlecraft 1980

I can't believe that I started this blog on January 2, 2011.  I would like to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you for stopping by blog.  And a special thanks to those of you who leave comments.  Sorry I'm so bad at replying to them but I promise to do better.  So thank you all for the lovely comments.  To celebrate my third blogaversay, I would like to have a little giveaway.  Let's make it a little contest.  I honestly don't know how many WIP's/UFO's I have started other than its a whole bunch.

Here are the rules:
1.  Be a follower of my blog.
2.  The contest part - tell me how many WIP's/UFO's I have started.
3.  Leave a comment on this post only.
4.  Would appreciate if you mentioned it on your blog, but you don't have to.
5.  I will close it on February 15th and pick the winner on the 16th.
6.  If no one guesses correctly, I will pick the one that comes closet.  If more than one person guesses right, I  will draw a name.

Gee, I guess I should mention the prize.  A $20.00 gift certificate to 123 Stitch.

Thanks for looking and have fun.   Linda

PS  I posted my YOTA progress on Bothy Threads cut-thru North Pole House below.


SoCal Debbie said...

Yippee! You did it!!! It will be so fun to stitch Trick or Treat! The Flinstones looks huge! I'm sure you'll finish lots and lots this year!

My guess for your total UFOs/WIPs is 198!!

Emma/Itzy said...

Well done on making it all the way through the month! 15 was enough for me!

My guess is...247!

sharine said...

Great new starts. Love the Flintstones. I will guess 263:)Will share on my next blog post:)

Katrina said...

Congrats on 3 years!

My guess is 127, which is a lot to me because I only have 3 lol, but I'm new to stitching.

Vicky L said...

Great starts. My guess is 183.

Marilyn said...

What great projects!
I will guess 57.

Margaret said...

Fantastic! And I love all your starts too! I have no clue how many WIPs you have. 100?

Sara said...

Congratulations on starting the 31 projects I would never be able to do that. And I'll definitely be looking for your project piccies on these ones. I would say you have around 75 WIPs/UFOs =D Now I'm actually curious about the real number, hope you share it with us.

Katie said...

Love your blog and glad we have "met" each other. Love your new starts. They are all fantastic.

I will guess 254. You are so amazing. Good luck to everyone!

Anne said...

You are a whiz with the starts Linda! They all look fabulous!! Happy Blogoversary!! I'll take a gander and say 231 starts/ufo's!!

Kate said...

Congratulations on completing your starts! I love the Do Not Disturb and the one with the chickens.
Happy Blogoversary! Time flies when you're having fun :-)
My guess is 280 WIPs/UFOs. Thanks for hosting the giveaway.
Speaking of giveaways, pop by my blog when you get a minute :-)

CalamityJr said...

Well, we know there are at least 31 since you've shared your lovely January starts. I'll take a guess of 73. Congratulations and thank you for three years of blogging and sharing!

Anonymous said...

great new starts

Brigitte said...

Congratulations on reaching your goal for January. It must be so motivating to have so many things started and now be able to choose from all the new starts the one project you want to continue on. Enjoy!

Annie said...

Congrats on 31 great starts, and happy blogoversary! My guess for your WIPs/UFOs is 199.

Justine said...

Happy blogoversary! Congratulations on all your new starts in January. Now you just have to finish them! I love reading your blog as you have so many different projects on the go at once. My guess is you have 205 WIPs. I can't wait to find out the true number!

Barb said...

Happy blogoversary and wow 31 starts , Love the chickens watching the microwave . Just going to pop and join your band of followers I have only just found you. I am going to let you into a secret I shall be 66 on the 15th Feb so that is the number I am going to submit as it may be lucky for me. Look forward to seeing the progression on ALL your starts.

Preeti said...

That's great, Linda!! Happy blogaversary !!
I am sure you will get lots of finishes this year.
I was looking around your sidebars in case you have written your WIP list like many of the bloggers do, but I may have to just guess it ...maybe 195 :)

Sarah in Stitches said...

Beautiful new starts! Congrats on reaching 31 AND your third blogoversary! I'd love to enter your contest. I'm going to guess...52? Just a shot in the dark. :D

Carol said...

Wow! How great that you ended up reaching 31, Linda. Congratulations on your third blog anniversary, too--the years sure whiz by quickly, don't they? I will guess 198 :)

Witchy Lizard said...

Well done Linda-31 starts is amazing! Congrats on 3 years of blogging too-I'm going to guess 185 :-) Hope you're having a lovely weekend x

Shebafudge said...

Happy blogoversary! Congratulations on starting all 31 projects, just starting 15 was hard for me - I couldn't have done a whole month of new starts. What a fun contest! I have around 65 now and I reckon you might have more than me. I am going to say 168.
Are you going to list them all once you have counted them???

Bianca said...

Congrats on your new starts this year. I'm going to name a wild guess of 238 WIPs and UFOs.

Anonymous said...

My guess is 67 WIPs & UFOs. I am probably way off. (haha) New follower via Google Friend Connect. Glad I found your blog via the Grow Your Blog Party.

Thoeria said...

Some more great starts Linda! Congrats on getting them all started! And Congrats on your 3 year bloggaversary! If I were to hazard a guess....I'd say you're probably got about 79 things going at the moment!??

Anonymous said...

I love the Trick or Treat design by Ursula Michael. I already made one by her but I may have to add this one to my collection.
My guess for WIPs is 150.
I will post a link on my blog as well. Good luck with a ton of finishes this year!

Jan Gartlan said...

Well done on making it through January!!! I love Trick or Treat. My guess is 106

Faith... said...

YAY - you did it! Congrats on getting all 31 of your Crazy January pieces in the rotation!

I am going to guess you have 216!

Tricia said...

Hi Linda!! Great Job on your January challenge! I'm going to take a guess at 178 starts... or thereabouts! : )


Stitching Noni said...

Hi Linda! Just been catching up on your blog! Oh my goodness I can't believe you have done 31 new starts!!! Wow! So if I read correctly on an earlier post you said you have 100's of starts and then added 31 new ones... How many do you have on the go now.... Well I will have to guess at 331 :)
Love the new designs you are stitching especially the Diane Arthurs ones. Can't wait to see more updates and to see just how many WIP/UFO's you have!
Hugs xx

Lynn said...

Ok how many you've started since when??? This month? 2013?? I need specifics woman!!

Lynn said...

Ok I'm going to say 342. Sounds like a lot but I got a good feeling......

Kevin said...

I'm going out on a limb and guessing 317. Thanks for such a generous giveaway! And happy blog- versary!

Love that Flintstones project you started!! Yabba Dabba Doo!

Kaisievic said...

Hi Linda, what a great idea. Congratulations on your Blogaversary. I love being your bloggy friend so much. Please count me in the giveaway and for some reason 295 popped into my head!
Hugs, Kaye

Astrids dragon said...

Just the 31 you started has gotten me overwhelmed! I'm going to guess 123, can't wait to find out the actual amount.

Southpaw Stitcher said...

Hi Linda, I'm with some of the others when I say that 31 new starts in January is overwhelming. I will guess that you have 201 WIPs/UFOs. It might be a low number, but that's what I'm going with. Thanks for the generous giveaway!

Musicwoman said...

Hi LInda,I was overwhelmed when seeing how many starts you have this year.My guess number for your UFOS is may be 255 . I think that this will fit and I am so looking forward to the real number.
All the best for you

Joyce Clark Frank said...

Good luck on making progress on all your WIPs. My guess is 72

Pat said...

Happy blogaversary! I love stopping by your blog. I would have to guess 301 starts. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jacklyn Cornwell said...

I feel bad because I have about 6 WIPs/UFOs. Some of the guesses are way up there but, considering you have 31 new starts and probably did another 31 last year in January, I'll take a middle road with 104. Probably too low, but I figure you must have finished some of those projects by now.

Nice to meet you and I look forward to seeing more of your WIPs/UFOs.

Barb said...

Congratulaions on 3 years of blogging. I'm going to go low on your WIP's UFO's and say 55 starts

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Wow, there are some high numbers here! I'm going for 104 just because. But it's probably way too low.