CARS - AvroraCS

CARS - AvroraCS


Friday, August 29, 2014

In Loving Memory of Debbie

It's with a saddened heart and tears in my eyes that I write this post.  We all lost a wonderful stitching friend today - Deborah Faris Bryant. I found Debbie's blog about 3 1/2 years and we starting commenting on each others blogs.  It only took a couple months and we started chatting a little everyday.  The last couple years we were chatting a lot every day.  In the last year we started talking on the phone and having are own telephone get togethers.  One of us would call, put on phones on speaker and sit and chatter and stitch for hours.  And we really did get some stitching done.

I'm sure most of you have heard of the Crazy January Challenge that started in 2011.  It's a group of crazies that have a new start everyday for the first 15 days of January.  I met Debbie about March.  The CJC2012 was to start 15 projects or you could do the UCJC2012 (ultimate) and start one every day in January.  Of course Debbie and I had to buck the rules and we started one every day in January and February or 60 starts.  We called it the Super Duper Ultimate Crazy January February Challenge (SDUCJFC2012).  We never succeeded in getting anyone else to join us.  January 2013 and 2014 we only started 31.  We were just starting to make our lists for our 31 starts next year.
Does anyone want to join me in memory of Debbie and start 31 next year?  There is a facebook page for the 15 starts but I'm sure we can start 31.

Debbie and I have also had a Saturday SAL since 2012.  There are still about 25 pieces to finish.  I will pick one and work on it on Saturday's in her memory.  Does anyone want to join me?  I have marked the ones that we were going to stitch on My Crazy List of UFO's/WIP's pages at the top of my blog.  I am almost done with Fall Welcome.  Are next one is going to be Candy Cane Christmas by Ursula Michael.

I know in my heart that Debbie is looking down and cheering me on.  She was like a sister to me.  She may be in heaven but I will Never Ever forget her.

RIP Debbie


Kaisievic said...

This is so lovely, Linda, a fitting tribute to our lovely friend, Debbie. hugs Kaye

#HeatherMakes said...

Oh Linda, so very sad and such a shock! I havent been on the blogs for a while and I hop on and off Facebook but I have only realy had the time to reply to posts people tagged me in ... my days have been filled with my millions of children and my 9 week old Grandchild! Crazy time here so I was totally knocked over to read about Deborah on Facebook. So young and full of energy. I shall miss her and her blog posts/stitching progress. I met her through the blogs and came across her by accident on Facebook a while ago! I knew her a little but she was a great laugh and always so kind and caring that I felt like I had known her for years.

Yes I will join you in your crazy 31 starts in January and SAL's in her memory ... It will be her way of kicking my butt back to my stitching becasue i seem to have come to a standstill since the children finished school in July. Back to school Monday coming so yeah Im all for a new adventure lol! Chin up Linda as Debroah looking down on yu insisting you finish the projects that you both started together. It sounds like you had a great friendship that you will treasure forever xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Shelly said...

This is so terrible and such a shock. I could always count on a reply when I left a comment on her blog and she was always so uplifting. I'll join you Linda in the Crazy 31 in January! So sorry Linda. RIP Debbie.

Tricia said...

Oh, Linda, thank you for letting us know. I will miss Debbie's updates and I know you will miss her friendship. I'm going to see if I have 31 projects. :) But if I can't start that many I'll pick one that was on your SAL list to work on next year. Blessings and Hugs! Tricia

AJ said...

It was stumbling upon Debbie's blog one day that got me back into stitching. It was a slow night at work so I started at the beginning and looked through each of her posts. It took me about a week to get through them all but by the end I wanted to stitch! She was such a lovely woman and well be missed.

Preeti said...

It is a shocking news, Linda. It is so sad to have someone leave suddenly when we all have known each other here in blogland. It is difficult to digest that we can never see her posts again. She was always so helpful and answered all my queries promptly and when she commented on posts, they always meant that she has read the entire post very well. I may not be able to join any challenge but that doesn't stop me to remember her along with you all through your updates. God will take care of her with him and also will look after her family down here. Convey my prayers to her family.

sharine said...

I'm in shock. Deepest sympathies Lindaxx

Annette-California said...

Linda my heart goes out to you. Debbie and YOU have inspired me so much in my wips and never having enough to do:) It so hard to digest we not see her posts again like Peeti said. YES I want to join you in Saturday's SAL in memory of Debbie. She will not be forgotten.
My deepest condolences to you and her family. Beautiful post you wrote about Debbie. Thank you for sharing.
Much love and many hugs Annette

butterfly said...

So sad , I am sorry for the loss of your friend.hugs.

Stitching Noni said...

Linda, such sad, sad news.... :(
Between you and Debbie, I have had such fun and found a lot of inspiration reading your blogs and seeing your stitching. I was always amazed at how Debbie could stitch so many projects in her crazy challenges..... I would love to join with you in your tributes to Debbie. I think it is a great idea and a wonderful thing to do to honour a wonderful stitcher and friend.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and all of Debbie's loved ones
Hugs xx

Pull the other thread said...

I am so shocked and saddened to hear this terrible news. I always enjoyed seeing Debbies posts and she always commented on mine! My heart goes out to her family and friends at this difficult time. I will join in on the 31 January starts in her memory

cheryl said...

So sad. Like so many others, I only knew Debbie online through stitching. I loved to watch her progress on all of her projects and thought of her as one of the Ultimate hard-core stitchers! She will be missed. I'm not on facebook, but I will stitch along with you and will participate in the Crazy January challenge (which is when I first "met" Debbie).

Justine said...

Thank you for this lovely tribute to our friend. Debbie's was the first cross stitch blog I ever found and was always one of my favourites. She worked on so many different pieces and her updates were so much fun. I will join you for the UCJC next year. When you feel able could you perhaps share with us which projects you were both planning to stitch? Perhaps those joining you might like to stitch one of the pieces already chosen in Debbie's memory. I am going to stitch the Wizard of Oz piece as one of my 31 as Debbie encouraged me to buy it. Rest in peace Debbie x

Barb said...

I had not seen Debbie's blog until today. She had a good one. I saw several posts on Facebook about her and the blogs and sounds like she was a wonderful lady. I might be interested in the SAL. I don't know about the 31 starts in Jan. I like to see a project through to finish.

Sally said...

I did not know Debbie but wanted to comment. The blogging world has lost another wonderful stitcher and friend to many. So sad. My thoughts are with her family and all her friends.

Sally said...

Oh forgot to say I might join in with the 31 starts. I will have to have a think!

Anna van Schurman said...

Dear Linda, I am so sorry for your loss. I met your friend SoCal Debbie virtually just after I left SoCal. I will happily join you in January. Starting projects brings me such joy and I think Debbie would have liked that.

Annie said...

Such a lovely post to honor your dear friend. Like everyone else I was shocked and saddened to hear the news about Debbie.
I've read her blog for years, and she was always so good at replying to my comments. She seemed like a truly wonderful person, and the stitching world is going to be a little emptier without her in it, but so much better for having had her for as long as it did.
I don't have a blog, so can't join you in your SALs, but I will be reading and cheering you all on, and will stitch some here in her honor.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I was also very affected by the sad news. I did not know Debbie as well as you did but she was such a lovely friendly person.

I think it is a fantastic idea to dedicate the 2015 UCJC to her memory. I don't like to have alot of new starts but maybe I will stitch on 15 different projects instead (or even 31!)

Lindsay said...

What a shock but a lovely tribute to Debbie.


Vicky L said...

Hi Linda! I was shock to hear the news of Debbie and was praying hard for her to wake up. Her passion for cross stitch was contagious and it showed in her projects. I came across her blog from you, when you mention her in the challenges. I am now looking for Universal Unity that I would like to stitch in memory of Debbie. It would be hard to find but I am determine to find it. I might join you in the 31 challenge. What a wonderful way to remember her. Hugs to you.

Anonymous said...

Debbie has been om mine mind a lot this past week, it is so sad. I found her to be so friendly and nice. I also thought about you, because I knew you are friends... Hope you are doing ok, and your leg infection will heel soon. I will visit the facebook group and think about starting 31 starts with you in memory of Debbie
Lots of hugs

(Ps I stopt blogging, but I am still on facebook)

Shebafudge said...

What a lovely tribute to Debbie but I hope you are doing ok too?

I am DEFINITELY going to join you in the UCJC in memory of Debbie. I will also have a look and see what I can join in stitching on a Saturday too. xx

Katie said...

I loved reading her blog. I miss her updates so much. I was never lucky enough to get to meet her but I felt like I knew her. We would comment on each others blog post every time. Just like us our tastes of stitching was very similar. I definitely want to do something in her honor.

Kaisievic said...

Hi again, Linda, well I already do the Saturday SAL with you (intermittently, I must admit as Sats are always busy days for me) and I am way behind on Fall Welcome. And, of course we do Sundays and sometimes I remember to stitch on my Cut Thru on Mondays (I don't like the fabby I am stitching on so it puts me off, I must admit). But, of course, I will do the 31 Ultimate challenge with you for next year in memory of Debbie - is that the list you sent me on FB messenger the other day?

Carol said...

Oh, Linda, I can't even begin to tell you how sad it makes me to read about Debbie. You lost a true friend--and so very suddenly. That has to be so difficult for all of her friends and family. Please know I'm thinking of you and sending a caring hug your way...

Unknown said...

Hi Linda

I have been absent from blog world and went to Debbie's blog and was reading comments, I am so shocked and saddened to hear she has passed Panay, she was a darling and so lovely welcoming me to the cut thru stitch along. You must be so so very sad x my thoughts are with you and Debbie's family.

Karen x x x

Rachel said...

There have been so many wonderful comments about Debbie that it must help to heal your wounds a little to know that so many people in the blogisphere thought so highly of her. She will be sorely missed by all who followed her.
I am definitely going to join in the UCJC so please add my name to the list. It seems you have quite a lot of eager participants already and that must be a great comfort.
I've got a suggestion to expand on Justine's idea... How about each person stitching a piece that was or would have been on Debbie's list? That way all of us will truly be stitching at least one project for her as well as 30 others in her memory. What do you think?
Love and hugs xxx

EvalinaMaria said...

Oh dear Linda, thank you for this post. I will miss SoColDebbie comments. Please tell me what happen. Why we lost her so sudden?

I'm joining you in both SALs. And I'm going for the Super Duper Ultimate Crazy January February Challenge just for Debbie. I know she will look over my shoulder. And this Saturday I'm stitching Halloween House in her memory. Hugs

Pat said...

What a wonderful tribute to Debbie, I'm not sure I can handle 31 starts but I will pop in and follow everyone's progress. I will miss her presence in blogland.

Jennifer said...

I too was shocked to hear of Debbies passing on Facebook Linda. She was a sweetheart and a great cheerleader to all of us blogging stitchers. She will be missed. I can't join the 31 starts challenge but I will pull out my Halloween House and get back to stitching it.

Sheryl said...

Just having a look at blogs when I hear of Debbie´s passing. I am so very sad and sorry. I couldn´t do 31 starts but second Rachel´s idea of stitching a design on Debbie´s list.

Chris said...

What a lovely tribute to Debbie..she obviously was a very loveLy person

SueFitz said...

Sorry I missed this sign up - I figured I'd do my own in the month of March and trying doing 31 project starts and at least get half (or more) finished also.