CARS - AvroraCS

CARS - AvroraCS


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Linda's Turtle Trot SAL September Update

Hi Blogger Friends.  It's Turtle Trot time.  This is a SAL being hosted by Claudette of BAP Attack.  We pick 10 projects to work on throughout the year and see how many we can finish.  I'm quite pleased with the amount I got done on them this month.  I would love to get them all finished this year except the Disney.  It's going to take 10 years.

1.  Mitten Friends - Diane Arthurs - Started the bottom of the mitten.

2.  6 Fat Men - Lizzie Kate - I planted two trees and then it started snowing again.

3.  Disney Heroe's #16 - Alina's XStitch - I finally added some color.  I couldn't handle the dark greens and browns any longer.  I have been working on this for a year.  How long ya think its gonna take me.

4. Pretty Little New York - Satsuma Street - This is so much fun to stitch on.  So I decided to add it to the list.

4.  Summer Season - Sandra Cozzolino - It's FINISHED
14ct Natural Aida
Started 9-24-12
Finished 9-10-14

5.  Mermaid Myrna - Diane Arthurs - I did a little more of the green in her tail.

6.  Dog Lessons for People - Lizzie Kate - I started another sentence.

7.  Autumn Season - Sandra Cozzolino - I worked on Autumn at the top.

8.  Spring Alphabet - Lizzie Kate - I added the e and k.

9.  March Sampler - Waxing Moon Designs - I stitched the cloud.

Guess what my hubby got me for my birthday.  Meet Sprinkles.  I just love her solid black left front leg and the left side of her face is black.  Her hair is just like silk.

Moon Dragon was saying hi.

I will be doing my craziness for the next 5 days.  Will be back Tuesday with pictures.

Thanks for looking.    Linda


Annette-California said...

Love your sweet birthday gift "Sprinkles". She's beautiful. Happy Birthday Linda.
Congrats on stitching on all 10 wips and for a great finish Summer Season.
love Annette

Brigitte said...

Happy Birthday, Linda, and what a sweet birthday present from your husband.
I loved to see all the progress pictures of your 10 Turtle Trot WIPs, well done. And wow, there's even a finish here. Congrats!

Claudette497 said...

Aww..such a cute new cat! Congratulations on having a finish!

Pat said...

Love Sprinkles! Great finish and progress!

Katie said...

Wonderful stitching on all your projects. Major Congrats on your finish! It's beautiful indeed!

Love your new little kitty friend.

Tricia said...

Another finish! Great job!! And your new furbaby looks sweet... and maybe a little mischievous!

Sarah in Stitches said...

Great progress! And congrats on the finish. Say hi to your new kitty cat - she looks so sweet! :D

Anna van Schurman said...

LOok at you with a finish! Congratulations. Love the kitty with the black leg! So cute.

Margaret said...

OMG, your new kitty is adorable! So pretty! Love all your stitching too -- congrats on the finish, and the new member of the family!

Mii Stitch said...

Awww, so cute! Your kitty cat Sprinkles is just adorable :) Many Happy Returns to you sweetie xoxo.Love your Diane Arthur wips, great progress on all of them!

AJ said...

What a cute little stinker! I love her coloring!

Congrats on the finish.

Sally said...

Awwww Sprinkles is adorable! What a wonderful birthday gift.

Fantastic progress on all your pieces and a wonderful finish.

Pull the other thread said...

Fantastic stitching on everything. Congrats on your Summer Season finish, it looks just amazing.
Happy Birthday and what an adorable gift. She has the loveliest colouring.

Poppypatchwork said...

Love Sprinkles. Nice finish, and loads of lovely stitching.

Rachel said...

Belated birthday greetings and a big hello to Sprinkles - she's adorable!
You've made great progress on your TTs and congratulations on the finish - one down, how many more to go!!! :)

cucki said...

Happy birthday dear..
I love your stitching so much..super sweet :)
Hugs x

Southpaw Stitcher said...

Hi, Linda. Congrats on your finish--it's beautiful! All your WIPs are coming along nicely. Don't worry about the Disney piece--you made some progress, and that's what counts. Sprinkles is adorable; her coloring is so striking!

KimM said...

Happy birthday - love all your stitching projects - and Sprinkles is so CUTE!!!

Kaisievic said...

Happy birthday, my very dear friend and I love Sprinkles! Such a great name but what happened to Mollie, Maggie or Mandy?
Great Turtle Trot update and congrats on your finish! Guess what, thanks to your prompting I actually did my second TT post for the year! hugs, Kaye

sharine said...

Happy Birthday. Sprinkles is such a cutie. Great stitching and I love seeing the Disney one :)

Preeti said...

Happy Birthday Linda!!
Great progress on all the projects. Congrats on the wonderful finish!!

diamondc said...

Wonderful progress on your stitch along.
Love the new baby, what a wonderful gift.


Anne said...

Wonderful progress on all your WIP's Linda! Disney might take awhile but that's okay...enjoy it while it lasts. Happy Birthday and what a sweet little gift your husband got you! Sooooo cute!!

Carol said...

Aww...such a sweet new kitty, Linda! Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday--she sure was a perfect present.

Always enjoy seeing your progress on all of those cute WIPs!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Your kitty is adorable! She's like having two different cats depending on which side of her face you are looking at!

Great progress on (some of) your pieces, that Disney piece is going to take forever isn't it? LOL

Lulu said...

Wow so much beautiful stitching progress!

Anonymous said...

Hello Sprinkles! You've made some great progress on your stitching :)

Angela said...

I love your Bday gift, Sprinkles is just adorable :) Lovely projects too!

Karen K said...

Sprinkles is gorgeous x Happy belated Birthday and the projects are amazing - they are coming on lovely.

K x

rosey175 said...

Congrats on your adorable birthday calico and happy birthday!! Looks like you did a little more than trotting on some pieces and hooray for a finish!

Caitlin @ Naughts Cross Stitches said...

Gorgeous stitching you've made great progress!