Hi Blogger Friends. Y is for I almost made it before midnight.

Disney Alphabet Sampler by Clouds Factory
Christmas Carols by FangirlStitches on Etsy
Autumn (A Banner YEAR) by Lizzie Kate
Thanks for looking. Linda
PS I have a question for all of you.
If a woman wears panties - does a man wear manties?
You have allot of stitching going on , looking forward to seeing it grow hugs.
Nice stitching!
Lol! Never thought about mantees!
Nearly there Linda! Well done.
One more day to go! Everything looking lovely as usual! :)
Almost there! Fantastic! Manties. lolol!
Lovely Y's! Only one day left :D
Y is for Y! You finished on time! You continue to amaze me. Great job on all three pieces; I love Yzma. The Emperor's New Groove is one of my favorite movies.
Great work on all 3! And aren't they still panties since they're under pants?
Congrats! You made it!
Congrats! You made it!
One more post and you will have made it. Love to see your post.
Wow--can't believe you are almost to letter #26, Linda!! Great job :)
Men wear pants, ladies wear panties, hussies wear nothing!
Pants go under your trousers, they are not for outer wear unless you are Superman!
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