CARS - AvroraCS

CARS - AvroraCS


Sunday, February 24, 2019

3 B'day projects with 2 finishes

Hi Blogger Friends.  As always, thanks for all of the sweet comments.

Finish 6 - B'day WIP 21
Boo - Bent Creek
14ct natural brown aida
restarted 2-18-19
finished 2-20-19

Finish 7 - B'day WIP 22
Halloween Rules - Lizzie Kate
14ct natural brown aida
finished 2-22-19

B'day WIP 23 - Pretty Little San Francisco by Satsuma Street (I had to rip that stupid purple section out twice cause I guess I can't count anymore,)

Progress on Cars.

Progress on Queen of Hearts.

I honestly thought I would be putting in one stitch on 40 projects in December so I could say that I worked on 70 UFO's/WIP's this year.  I am shocked that I have worked on 23 already.  I am so loving the School of Magical Stitches FB group.  My dumb brain had a really dumb thought the other day.  Maybe I could get 70 finishes this year.  Right.  I'm just sitting here laughing at myself.

Gotta go stitch and watch a Harry Potter movie for a challenge.

Thanks for stopping by.   Linda


Rachel said...

Good to see a couple of lovely finishes among some lovely projects this week. Your birthday goal is well on the way to being reached, but please don't start your stress headaches off again by taking your other thoughts seriously!! :)

Cathy said...

You are definitely making progress on your 70 stitches. I know you have a lot of small WIPs so 70 finishes is probably doable, but like Rachel said don't stress about it. If it happens, it happens.

Apple Blossom Dreams said...

Nice work! Glad you're still stitching!

Carol said...

Cute finishes, Linda! I bet you could finish 70 if you keep them small :) Hope you have a lovely week ahead!

diamondc said...

Linda: Laughter is the best medicine, oh my gosh Cars is almost finished.
I love the Halloween designs, I think any time of the year is a time to stitch holidays.
80 projects still puts me almost in a coma, wow you are one ambitious Lady. I had two projects going at once and could not handle the stress giggles, I envy you.


Faith... said...

Great stitching Linda! Sorry the frog came for a visit, I swear I didn't send mine there but glad you managed to get in a couple of cute finishes.

Southpaw Stitcher said...

Congrats on your two Halloween finishes! I love all your WIPs -- looks like a finish very soon for Cars!

Astrids dragon said...

Fun Halloween stitching and get rid of that frog!
So close with Cars, I love it.
It's only February, at the rate you're going 70 could happen!

Kaelyn Angelfoot said...

Everything look great! Love to see those finishes :)

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great work on your WIPs. You're doing so well stitching on 23 different projects already!