CARS - AvroraCS

CARS - AvroraCS


Saturday, October 25, 2014

Mega Mini Month Madness - Post 5 and TUSAL

Hi Blogger Friends. It's MMMM time.  This is a SAL being hosted by Pull The Other Thread.  You can see all the other SALongers HERE.  We are to work on smalls for the month of October and see how many we can get done.
I actually got  3 done this week.
Lizzie Kate Boo Club
14ct Marbled Green
Started 9-13-14
Finished 10-20-14

Lizzie Kate Boo Club
14ct Yellow Gold
Started 9-11-14
Finished 10-24-14

Lizzie Kate Flip-It Stamp
14ct Beige
Started 1-14-13
Finished 10-25-14

It's also time for the Totally Useless Stitch-a-long.  This is being hosted by Sharon of It's Daffycat.  We keep our floss scrapes for the month and post them on the New Moon.  I do believe this is the most orts I have ever had and still have 2 months left to add to them.

Thanks for looking.   Linda

I gotta go start organizing my 59 starts for next year.  I have about 70 pulled already and haven't even went through all the charts I just bought on Etsy.  I might be starting a new one everyday next year.  Anyone want to join me??  LOL


Kaisievic said...

Lovely smalls finishes, Linda. Hmm, tempting, but no, I cannot commit to 365 starts! lol!

Tricia said...

LOL, Linda! I'm afraid I would have trouble finding 30 starts, so I think I'll leave the 120 or 365 starts to you. : ) I will watch though, and cheer you on!! : )


Heather said...

Cute designs! And great stitching. I only own 4 charts so don't think I"ll be joining you but it'll be fun to watch ;)

Anna van Schurman said...

You are on your own with that crazy plan!

Neilteil said...

I love the Boo club finishes :) Oh my, I think I'll have to stop at 31 but you go girl ;)

Kate said...

Great finishes, Linda :-) Your orts are looking really nice. A new start every day? Well, I have enough charts, and it was really hard to narrow it down to only 59. But do I have enough sanity?? I'll have to get back to you on that!

Preeti said...

Your finishes are looking great, Linda!! Love the borders on all the three minis :) I am anyways just stitching for fun else the minis get ignored in the the pile of big projects. May be, I will continue it next month too. But at least with this SAL I started small projects. You know I usually fall off the track with SAL updates.
One new start for 365 days? Anything is possible with you:) As for me, you can count on me for atleast one stitch per day, that will be minimum 365 stitches at the end of the year, lol:)

Rachel said...

Congratulations on your finishes, Linda. I love them all! Lizzie Kate do some really cute designs and you stitch them so beautifully!
As for a new start each day? I've probably got enough... but I'll just stick to 31 for DUCJC. I think I'd go mad otherwise!!!! Why don't you join in with BAP Attack? She reckons she's got enough for next year too! Whatever you do, I'll be here for support! :)

Sarah in Stitches said...

Congrats on the finishes! They look so cute. The first two are just in time for Halloween :D

cucki said...

Wow they looking so lovely xx

butterfly said...

So many lovely smalls.

Shebafudge said...

You ARE joking...aren't you?

Great finishes, all really sweet. xx

stitcherw said...

Fun finishes, I love LK designs, so cheerful and they make you smile :) I'll be doing a new start soon and am thinking of doing the Boo Club or another of her Halloween designs. Loved your earlier stash you posted, especially the one of Cap. Jack Sparrow, love that movie series.

Emma Louise said...

Great finishes!

Claudette497 said...

I'm totally in! You've gotten a lot of finishes this month, and they're real cuties!

Thoeria said...

LOL Linda!!! A new start every day??!!! And you wonder why you scare me! :D
Cute finishes! The frankenmonster would be my fave :)

KimM said...

Lovely, lovely - great finishes!!!

Mii Stitch said...

Great stitching and finishes, well done!! xox

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Quick call the men in white coats! She's officially lost it!

Your little L*K designs are very cute and the April one is a nice left field design for October.

Beth in IL said...

You are one busy girl! No, I don't want to join you!. Too many starts and I go crazy!

Anonymous said...


Lovely finishes x

Pull the other thread said...

They all looks amazing!!! Well done. I had a look at your Debbie Start page and there are some amazing projects there. Really looking forward to seeing your progress on them :)

Katie said...

You are crazy LOL. We love ya though.

Shebafudge said...

Lovely finishes!

As to your question...NO, NO, NO...most emphatically...NO!!!! (thank you for the offer though) xxx