CARS - AvroraCS

CARS - AvroraCS


Friday, January 16, 2015

Starts 13,14 and 15 - DSDUCJFC

Hi Blogger Friends.  Again and AGAIN I'm being bad at replying to comments and I am sorry.  I'm going to catch up with them I swear.  Please forgive me and don't desert me.  I have over 200 blogs in my sidebar and I read them everyday and comment.  I'm still getting lots of Mail Delivery Status Failure.  My comment posts on your blog but not to your email.  Does anyone know how to fix it?
My new starts:

Day 13 - I'm Right - Waxing Moon Designs

Day 14 - Halloween Rules - Lizzie Kate

Day 15 - Pretty Little San Francisco - Satsuma Street  (Debbie was going to stitch Italy and Paris)

Thanks for looking.   Linda

Oh thought I'd mention that I didn't like the number 297 so it is now up to 318.


Vickie said...

I love all these charts! I can't wait to see them finished!

Katie said...

I noticed I'm not getting any of you comments to my email. I have no idea why. I get all the others but not yours. Something is very wrong.

I love your new starts. I just love the Waxing Moon one too hilarious. The San Francisco one is too cool cause I've been there.

sharine said...

Great stitching Linda. I'm getting a lot of those replies to so not sure:(

Kate said...

Haven't had that problem yet, but I know Blogger is finicky. Love the new starts :-) I agree; 318 sounds much better.

Brigitte said...

I can easily understand that you can't alwqays reply to the comments you receive. The same here - I always try, too, but commenting on the blogs in my reader is my priority. And I don't want to spend too much time on the computer and when my computer time is over some of the comments I receive remain un-answered. There are only so many hours in a day ...

I love your new starts, particularly San Francisco.

butterfly said...

More lovely new starts well done.

Rachel said...

Love love love all three of your new starts, especially I'm Right. What a perfect chart!
I'm getting your comments to my gmail if that's any consolation.
Don't worry about not replying to comments. It takes time and stitching is FAR more important don't you think! Seriously though, I don't believe there are many bloggers who expect replies. We love writing comments, we know they are read and appreciated and that is enough in itself for satisfaction.
And as for 318 - why not go the whole hog and try to make it 365? That's a much more suitable number!!! :)

Justine said...

I agree with Rachel - 365 sounds much better! You would have to have a new start every day until 4th March to reach that number. Go on you can do it!
I love all of these. The Waxing Moon one is funny and so true. You got lots done on Haunted House and I love the Satsuma St one. I started Paris and it's nice to know that Debbie was also going to stitch it.
I agree with what everyone else says about comments. I don't expect replies and give priority to keeping up with blog reading and more importantly stitching!

CJ said...

Waxing Moon is so true and funny. I would love have it in my bathroom next to hubby' mirror. Have a great day.


Tricia said...

Yes, yes! 365. Then you could work on a different project every day of the year for your rotation!! : ) GREAT WORK!!

Margaret said...

Fantastic! I don't know how you do it. I really don't.

Katy said...

Love all your starts, and count me as another vote for 365!

Beth in IL said...

Don't worry about leaving comments. I like them, but I think stitching time is more important! Love the San Francisco start.

Jan Gartlan said...

I agree with Justine you need to get to 365. Great new starts,

Sarah in Stitches said...

Great new starts, Linda! :D

Anne said...

Looking good Linda you busy gal!!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I thought the plan was 365 just to prove you are utterly certifiable LOL.

Love the Satsuma Street projects. I also like your idea of five new starts per one finish

xs88fan said...

Your new starts are looking great! Love the Waxing Moon pattern!

Parsley said...

Oh what fun you'll have with those! I'm working on some Valentines and can't wait to show them!

Sending warm hugs your way.

Preeti said...

Lovely starts, Linda!! Don't fret over replies, I am really bad at doing that task.

Mii Stitch said...

Love all your new starts, you always choose lovely designs! xx

Miamina said...

Lovely starts!

I'm getting your comments so everything is fine there, I don't really know what to suggest :(

Please don't feel you need to reply to my comments, generally unless I ask a question, I'm not too fussed. I just want to show my appreciation of your work :)

craftingpaws said...

Adorable starts, I really love the Lizzie Kate pattern. Looking forward to seeing your progress.

Preeti said...

Hi Linda, I tried searching for comments issue. I do get your comments in my mail box. All I could see the solution was that the receiver's mail box might be full or overflowing. If you are getting delivery notifications from same blogs, then you may check with one of your best blogger friend if that is the case with her mailbox.

Ruth said...

End of story... rotflol !!!! Thanks for the guffaw. I hope you are having as much fun stitching as we all are having watching you.

Kaisievic said...

Sweet, sweet starts, Linda, I am definitely going to have to get me some Satsuma Street patterns, I think.

Tama said...

I really like your little San Fran, but that first start is FUNNY!